Status: old one

All My Life I'm Dancing With Strangers

First marriage

Wedding wasn't far away anymore.

Samantha spoke with Davey about wedding rehearsal.

"I will not do that! Why should I go there?" Davey wasn't happy about this thought.

"Because, I want it to be perfect, David, so we need to play it out!" Samantha gave a simple explanation.

"I have no time for that, besides all what I need to say is my vow and words ''I do'' how hard could it be?" Davey confused.

"Oh, you think that it is so simple?" Samantha was mad now, "Have you married before?"

"Yes!" Davey said and then slapped his own face as he closed his mouth with one of his hands, because he didn't want to tell that to Samantha.

"You what?" Samantha gasped.

Davey looked at her confused, if he had known how, he would have vanished in a thin air at the moment if only he could.

"Davey! Did you say that you were married?" Samantha said confused.

"Not really, but I went trough that entire ceremony, and I really don't want to discuss that…" Davey said as he stood up from couch.

"My dear God… And when did you wish to tell me that?" Samantha asked, she also got up.

"Any moment now?" Davey said looking at her with one off those I-am-so-sorry expressions.

Samantha was mad, she wanted to say something, but she had no words to express that how she felt now, so she simply pouted and ran upstairs, after couple minutes she came downstairs with her purse and took her jacket.

"Sammy? What are you doing?" Davey followed her.

Samantha turned around sharply, her voice was strict: "Stay away, David Anthony Marchand Passaro!"

"Samantha Winston, don't you even dare to instruct me!" David exclaimed, if she wanted to argue he was okay with that, because he knew that, if she called his full name, then she furious.

Samantha turned around putting her hand on handle.

"Samantha, we have a rehearsal after four hours!" David said warningly.

"Who cares? You already know everything!" she said looking back at him, "I am the one who is out-of-date here, because this is just a first marriage for me David!" she said , then opened the door to leave the house, Davey tried wanted to follow her, but girl slammed the door in front off his nose.

"Fine!" Davey yelled after her, "Why not?" then he went back to the living room and fell into the couch, he took the remote and started to surf trough the channels.

Davey was angry and it was written all over his face... Maybe they just couldn't get along? After all, fighting took at least 50% of their life together...


After two hours Jade and Megan were at Davey's place. Yeah, it was official, they were a couple now.

"Hey, Dave, you are ready to go?" Jade questioned, entering the house.

Davey sat in the couch not saying a word.

Jade came into the living room, he looked at his friend, Davey seemed irritated.

"Okay, what did you fought about this time?" Jade sighed.

"Nothing…" Davey said and then he mumbled quietly the real reason, "I told her about marriage with Mary…"

"You were married?" Megan came into the room with that stupid phrase on her lips.

"No he wasn't." Jade said a bit annoyed, "He freaked out and said "no" in that "I do" place."
"Phew…" Megan sighed loudly, "So what's the problem?"

"Samantha started to storm about that and left!" Davey said expressionlessly; meanwhile he switched the different channel.

"Left? You have a the rehearsal today!" Jade said confused.

"You think that I care about that?" Davey said irritated, he pressed the button on the remote and the channels changed once more.

Jade approached him sharply and wrenched the remote out from his hand; he switched the TV off.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Davey yelled.

"No, you will go to that rehearsal thing, like it or not." Jade said warningly, "And now, where is she?"

"How should I know, I am not her mother!" Davey said furious.

"Megan, get Jeffree and try to find her, but I will take Davey to the rehearsal, if I need help, I will call Adam and Hunter." Jade said strictly.

"Okay." Megan said and left.

"Now, Dave, go upstairs and find something nice to wear, this might be is not important for you, but girls are kind off meticulous that way!" Jade ordered to David.

Davey sighed, he rose up slothfully, then he directed upstairs to change his clothing.


When Megan was at Jeffree's place, she really hoped that Samantha was there, but she wasn't.

"Where did she go?" Jeffree asked with an obvious concern.

"I don't know, she didn't inform David about that." Megan said nervously.

"Well, did you try to call her?" Jeffree asked.

"Do you really think that I am dumb… oh, actually, no, I didn't…" Megan said blushing bright red.

After that Jeffree took his cell and tried to get in touch with Samantha. After couple moments Samantha finally answered.

"Sammy? Is that you?" Jeffree asked.

"Yeah… Mom?" Samantha sounded weird; Jeffree pushed his cell against his shoulder, so Samantha could't her him.

"Does she drinks?" he asked to Megan, he didn't seem to believe in that that he was asking something like that.

"Sometimes? Only if she's upset to death…" Megan also confused.

"Okay…" Jeffree said, then put the phone back o his ear again, "Dear, where are you?" he asked loudly.

"I have no idea mom… I think that I am in France…. They serve nice cocktails here and everything is so fancy… they asked me something…" after this phrase she made interesting sound, something similar to hiccup, "But I don't understand them… anyway, everyone is nice, mom, you should come here too…"

"Is that a Small France?" Jeffree tried to find out.

"Maybe… I don't know, I think that I am lost…" then conversation cut.

"Samantha? Sammy?" Jeffree asked worried, he closed his cell phone and looked at Megan.

"Well?" She questioned.

"I think that she is in one off Small France's restaurants or bars…" Jeffree concluded.

"Okay, let's go then." Megan said.

They both went to car.


After about an hour they found her. Samantha sat in bar, totally drunk and talked with the clear air.

"She is drunk!" Jeffree said, but he seemed to puzzle now.

"Yeah… I had never seen her like this." Megan also confused.

Both approached her and Samantha looked at them weirdly.

"Oh, hi! Megan, you should meet my friends…" Samantha said, she turned around, "This is John and this is Marta… aren't they nice?"

"Yes, they are…" Megan said, but all what she saw was two chairs near with her.

"Okay, girl… we have a rehearsal today…" Jeffree said as he helped her to stand up.

"Oh, right… Davey said that he is already married, can you believe in that? I mean, isn't that nice? We can be one big and happy family!" Samantha said loudly.

Megan looked around, everyone was looking at them, and she felt so ashamed...

"What is she talking about?" Jeffree glanced at Megan.

"About Davey… He tried to get marry once, Jade said that he freaked out and changed his mind in the last moment." She said, then she also helped to Jeffree, because every time they stood Samantha on her feet, she fell back or forwards.

"Well, our diva is full off surprises…" Jeffree said as they both led Samantha to the car.

Megan threw a glare at one of costumers, he averted her instantly.

Soon they reached the car and threw Samantha into the back seat, where she stumbled to get up, but it took her some effort... actually a lot of effort...

Megan and Jade got into the car; Jeffree started it, but Megan dialed Jade's number.

"But she is totally drunk!" she tried to refuse when Jade asked her to bring Samantha to the rehearsal.

"I don't care about that, just bring her here!" Jade instructed her and hung up the phone.
"Jerk!" Megan said loudly.

"So let's go then!" Jeffree said, because he already knew where he had to go.

"Fine…" Megan sighed, she looked into the mirror.

Samantha still tried to sit up... Gosh... the day will be longer than she thought...