Just Greek

Drink It Drink It

Drink It. Drink It. Drink It.

I heard people shouting as I looked down at the shot glass before me. I picked up the glass and pulled my head and let the liquid run down my throat, burning slightly.

"Woohoo." I heard them yell. I was too far gone to even care what's really going on. I shook my head but cursed myself for doing it since I got dizzy.

"Whoa, you okay?" His voice rang in my ear. I only nodded. I hated this guy. He use to be my brother's best friend.

"You sure?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Now leave me alone." I said shoving him away but only making me stumble and lose my balance. I would of fell off the porch if it wasn't for him who caught me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. He annoys the hell out of me.

"Would you GO AWAY." I shouted and then walked into the house. I saw Rusty sitting there talking to Jordan, his girlfriend. His arm around her shoulder. I sat down next to them.

"You okay, Jess?" Jordan asked.

"He drives me nuts." I said. Rusty took his arm from around her shoulder and sat up.

"Don't let him bother you." Rusty said.

"How can it not bother me. He was my brother's best friend when they were in high school. He would come over ALL the freaking time. I can't believe he doesn't remember me." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Maybe that's a good thing." Rusty said. Me and Jordan looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Maybe it's a good thing he doesn't remember you." He said.

"Why?" I asked looking at him like he was crazy.

"Because, well... I don't know what kind of relationship you two had but maybe he is trying to forget it." Rusty said.

"Maybe, I think you should shut the hell up." I said standing up.

"Jess. Please. I'm just..." He started.

"I don't want to hear it. I'm going home." I said then stumbled forward. I walked out of the house and saw him standing there.

"Ms. Jessica Chambers. How HAVE you been?" He asked. I looked up after he spoke.

"I don't know." I said taking a look back at when we first met back in high school.

"You don't know. That's hard to believe." He said.

"Go away if you're going to give me crap." I said walking down the sidewalk.

"Why would I leave you alone when you're way passed wasted right now?" He asked.

"You've done it before." I said.

"I was stupid, too." He said. I looked over at him.

"You still are." I said then looked back down.

"Jess. Please. Don't do this." He said.

"Don't do what. Bring back memories. Memories, you never want to look back." I said.

"No. Its just...please. I was stupid. I should of been there. I was young and stupid. Just...We're older now. More mature." He said.

"NO. YEAH. Agh, you know what you do to me. STILL, after three years. You still make me so damn confused." I said.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Forget it. Forget me. Forget that we ever had something." I said. I turned to walk away. He grabbed my arm.

"No. I'm not going to forget it. Do you realise how much we went through. All the crap we got from our parents. All the crap from YOUR grandparents." He said. I only looked down.

"All the crap from your brothers. I almost lost my best friend that day." He said.

"Yeah. But, you did loose the girl." I said then turned and walked away.