We're Not Working Out

One Day, We'll Run Away.

Frank's POV

You know that Gerard kid who just came into this school? I love him. Yes, I know that it hasn't even been a day yet and that I barely even know him. But as soon as we started whispering up a conversation in this class, I knew that I wanted him more than anything else. It's just that...I'm a little paranoid he doesn't like me back.

Believe it or not, I am bisexual. People are so homophobic these days, I've actually stopped caring what people think of me at all, since I know that no matter what I do they're going to make fun of me about it for one solemn fact - I would go out with a boy or a girl. But have you seen this boy's face? It's like a million angels and a hundred saints took their souls and decided to put them together and make Gerard.

Gerard. What a pretty name. It's uncommon, at least from my experiences, but it seems to suit him quite well. Although he dresses in lots of gothic apparel, he's a really sweet guy. At least, that's what I've figured out from our chat a minute ago.

Gerard's POV

Did I mention I write songs when I'm bored? My brother Mikey says they're really good, that I'm real talented or something. When Mr. Knutson realised where the whispering noises were coming from (which was after halfway into class) he told us to shut up and do as assigned. I wasn't paying attention when he explained what to do in the beginning of class, so I just took a notebook out and started writing whatever was on my mind - Frankie, of course.

And we can run from the backdrop of these gears and scalpels. At every hour goes the tick tock bang of monitors as they stared us down when we met in the emergency room. And in our beds, I could hear you breathe with help from cold machines. Every hour, on the hour, they drew blood.

I automatically took the notebook and passed it to Frankie. He gladly accepted and started reading.

Hold up - why the fuck did I just do that?! He probably doesn't feel that way about me, and what if he really does take those words as meaning "I love you"? I don't want him to think I'm a faggot, I just want to at least be friends with him! He smiled at it. Well, he's probably just holding back a laugh. Beginning to write back, my heart tightened at the thought that it might be mockery or something. He passed it back to me. Oh, god. Oh, god...dare I read it?
I dare.

Well I felt I couldn't take another day inside this place. From silent dreams we never wake, and in this promise that we'll make. Starless eyes for heaven's sake! But I hear you anyways. Well I thought I heard you say "I like you"?
Was that an addition to the lyrics? Sounded like it. Either way I'm going to add them on when I get home. I reply;

We can get out. We don't have to stay inside this place. Someday, (this day) we kept falling down. Some day (this day?). Well, set the ferris wheel ablaze.
As I passed it back, the bell suddenly rang, I don't think Frank got the chance to read it but he sure did keep the notebook.

Frank's POV

I headed straight towards my locker when the bell rang. And there stood the guy who's worse than jocks, the guy who sleeps with every girl he can get his hands on and then ignores her - the guy who does more acid than you can imagine. Clayton Laney. He's one of the biggest jerks you'll ever meet, and he uses me and beats on me as a pasttime.

"Iero! It's about time you came, where have you been? I've been waiting for you for 2 whole minutes already!" I try to ignore him as usual (which still gets me bullied, but I can't do much more, now can i?) and take my history binder out. When I close my locker, Clayton seems to get irritated by my ignorance to him.
"Oh, so now you're not talking to me?" I try to walk away, but he takes my neck and slams me against my locker causing me to drop everything i have in my hands. "What happened, you used to talk to me!" he raised his voice, before taking his fist out and jabbing at my face. Right on my cheekbone, to be exact.
"Stop, Clayton!" I strained out, before he kneed me in the stomach causing me to yelp out in pain.
"Why should I? It's not like you're going to start talking to me if I do stop anyways." Right when he was about to take a punch to the side of my neck, his body weight just flew off of me and I saw him, right there, on the floor, being kicked at by black combat boots underneath blood-red Tripp pants.

"Frank, I couldn't let him hit you like that." Suddenly he got a gleaming throb in his eyes, as if he regrets saying that. It was awfully sweet of him to say that, though. "I mean - you're the only person who's been nice to me today, and well I'm really happy that I've already made sort-of a friend this early."
I don't really know what to say back to him. "Oh. Well, thanks," I say before pulling him into a hug; luckily he accepts and feeling his embrace with that gentle purity he's got in him makes me never wanna let go.

"Frank?" 5 seconds in and, Jessie comes and breaks our hug.
"Oh wow, I never knew you two felt like that about each other," she chuckled, signaling that she was just joking around. Still, I feel my ears burn up a little.

Jessie's POV

What the fuck. Not one full day of Gerard being here and my best friend and him are together. Well, I should just chill out though, because me and Frankie hug all the time and all that it means is "you're my best friend".
I'll bet that by now you are seriously wondering what the deal between me and Frankie is, huh? All right, well last year was the 2nd year that me and Frank have been (best) friends, and I was really starting to like him. I mean really like him. I told him one day when we were skipping class, and asked him out all hesitantly. He said no, and it took me all I had to hold my tears back and actually seem like I was okay with it. But he came up to me anyways and we shared a long hug...I guess that by then he could tell when I was lying (since I lied when I said I was okay) we were such good friends. You can't even imagine how thankful I am that he still hangs out with me without feeling wierd, because he's all that I've got. The reason I don't seem depressed around him is that I really can't. He makes me so happy - he completes me.

...Why's he red?
"Haha, I see you two are friends now," I acknowledge, turning to Gerard.
"There's the bell. Better get to 3rd block!"
Once again, before he could get away from me, I pulled Gerard back by his shoulder.
"Hold up." Frank looked at me wierd when I said that. "We're taking this block off," I smirked.
"All right! Gerard, just follow us!" Frank squealed out, pure extasy on his face.