Hung From a Halo

When Angels Deserve To Die

So, hello there. Did you miss me? It’s been six months, since the Fall of Guardians. Yes, it was bookmarked in this realm’s history. It’s like Shayelinday doesn’t want me to forget that I killed him. Him. I couldn’t get him out of my head. Every night I wished he was in my bed, holding me like he did in the hotel rooms, just a couple of days before he died. Everyday I wish I could see his grumpy side and then his eyes looking up at me through his eyelashes. Every single fucking day I want him next to me. The Fall of Guardians; what is that? You can’t control this realm without its protectors. If one is gone then they all fall apart. Why? Because it isn’t tight and things start to seep in and try to take over. So, here I am; standing in front of The Masters…waiting for the old one to speak to me.

“Child,” he began, “Master Alinx, you have been convicted six months ago of murder. How do you plead?”

This is what they want? He wanted it! “Master Alinx? My name is Aaliyah.”

“Not in this realm. Is it not true that you killed the Guardian of The Fallen?”

I looked over at Ashley who was biting her nails. Why is she so nervous? “If I did, what is the punishment?”

“Young blood, it depends. Now how do you plead?” his voice was ancient and rolled with an accent. His long white hair hung past his shoulders straight. His orange eyes and pointed teeth gave me the chills. “Answer, Master Alinx.”

What did he want me to say? What will happen to me? I’ve lived in this realm as an Angel for six months, so why is everything happening now? “I deserve an explanation.”

“Master Alinx, your fellow Masters want an answer.”

“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on. Why am I a Master? And why am I being held in a hearing about his death?” I ran my fingers through my chopped hair and folded my arms across my chest.

“I will not answer that, child.”

I snickered full of a cocky attitude, “Sir, we can do this all day. I’m not going to crack. I want my answers.”

He pursed his lips and sat back in his seat. I rolled my eyes and looked around to pass the time. The room I was standing in was circular, with red marble floors and gold marble pillars. The curtains hanging over the huge glass window were heavy and covering the night sky. It took us all day to get to the heart of Shayelinday. This is where The Masters live, Guardians, and pretty much the whole royal family of this realm. Men in black cloaks surrounded the circumference of the room. They made me feel uneasy; their hoods covered their face and I hate it when I can’t see someone’s face. Ashley leaned into me and whispered, “They are all watching you.”

“Thanks.” I hissed, “For making me feel even more welcomed.”

She chuckled and darted her eyes between me and one of the cloaked dudes. The old Master cleared his throat and motioned someone to come up to him. One of the cloaked dudes swiftly walked up to him, and they had a whispered conversation.

We waited.


Beth is doing the potty dance.


“Master Alinx, what is your plead?”

“She pleads innocent.” The cloaked man answered for me. What the hell?

“I can answer for myself, thank you very much.” I stood my ground with a sour remark.

He bowed his head and chuckled, “I told you she was like this, Master Ligdin.”

“I thought you were over exaggerating.” Master Ligdin sat back and rubbed his chin.

I peered at the cloaked man; I really wanted to see their faces. Beth hung onto my leg like glue, I bet she was feeling the same way about the strangers. But why did the man plead for me? That doesn’t make sense. I want my own answers explained to me. Why am I a Master? That’s all I want to know. Why is it so fucking hard to tell a girl that? “Guilty.” I stated. All the 12 Masters stared down on me. Their eyes pierced my skin and I could feel the tension in the room rise.

“Guilty?” Master Ligdin repeated.

“No!” the cloaked man turned to Master Ligdin, “She isn’t guilty. She’s innocent. You cannot punish her! She’s protected!” he pointed at me referring to the ruby stone necklace Saul had given me.

“Bite your tongue!” one of the other Masters stood yelling at the cloaked stranger.

“I let it speak freely. Master Alinx is just pleading stupidly. She’s innocent. Trust me, she killed purposely but on demand.”

I stood awkwardly wanting to get a word in. I wanted to tell this cloaked dude to shut up and to stop fighting my own battles. They are mine. I want my own blood to spill. “Can you just tell me my punishment for killing Saul?” I broke their bickering.

“I really don’t know what to do with you Master Alinx. I understand why you had to do it, but you could have stopped. You could have refused.” Master Ligdin spoke clearly sitting straight up.

“You don’t think that I wanted to stop!?! I didn’t want to! I hate myself for ever killing him! For ever listening to him! How dare you tell me I could have stopped like I didn’t know I could!” my cheeks burned from the angered flash that flamed. I’ve never spoken about him this much since his death. It was killing me.

“Child, it takes courage to do what you did. That is why you are a Master. You killed a Guardian out of love for him and the others around you. We find that the key into being a Master. You swallowed your ignorance and self-pity to make the world better by a sacrifice. This killing was a rebirth. You deleted all foul war to bring back everything and everyone. You started it all over. We get to have another chance, and you get to restore everything in its natural place.”

“Master Ligdin, I can’t be a Master. I’m not brave.” I looked down and smoothed down Beth’s hair. “I was The Fallen, and now I’m being protected by being an Angel. It isn’t fair to the other Fallen. They didn’t get the same treatment I got. I’m sorry, but I can’t be one of you.”

It was silent.

It was killing me.

It was heartbreaking.

I never wanted Saul so much like I wanted him now.

“Child, you already are. This isn’t a decision.” Master Ligdin’s voice was low and rich as he talked slowly with his hands.

Great. So I have no word in this. I am set.

“Your living arrangements for your child and yourself have already been made. You will stay here from now on. Good night, Master Alinx.” They Masters left the room in a file as did the cloaked men. Except for the one who fought for me.

“Ashley…” I turned to her and she looked just as confused.

“What the hell just happened?” she asked raising her voice alarmed.

“Oh shut up, Ashley.” The cloaked man walked up to us and took off his hood.

He stood in front of me.

Now I feel embarrassed for snapping at him.

“Botis!” I squealed in delight.

He smiled and ran his hand through his grey hair, “That will be the name.” I hugged him and giggled.

“What are you doing here?” I asked climbing off him.

He shrugged and peered over at another cloaked stranger lingering in the shadows, “Just making sure you stay away from certain people.”
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