Hung From a Halo

To Let Go

“So…this is nice.” I said to myself peering out over m ypitch dark new room.

Of course you would think it's nice.

“What the fuck?”

You always dirtied your elegance with foul language.

“Am I talking to myself?”

Nope, you are talking to me. I am Master Alinx.

“Yes I know, I am Master Alinx.”

No I am. You are Aaliyah the Angel. I am Master Alinx.

I sat up in my new bed hugging my knees to my chest with Beth at my side. Am I going crazy? Or is there a voice in my head? I shook my head trying to get rid of the hissing voice, but it didn’t work.

You can do that all you want, Ali, but I’m here to stay. Think of my as your consciousness.


Gosh, do I have to explain everything? I’m your ghost. Actually, a Master’s assistant. All the Masters have a voice in there head. We help them out, and now you have one.

“Oh, I see…go away.” I whispered.

Not so fast. Do you even know what is going on?

“Yeah, I’m going insane.”

No, dumbfuck. Did you even listen to Master Ligdin? Of course you didn’t. You were too focused on drooling over your thoughts of Saul.

“Shut up.” Tears welled my eyes, why am I letting her beat me up?

Touchy subject, eh? Well, Master Ligdin said that when you killed him you started everything over. All of those cloaked men in that room earlier were every single guardian.

My heart skipped a beat.

Calm yourself, wild child. Don’t get your hopes up.

“What about Botis?” I leaned back against the wall and rubbed Beth’s back.

He is the Guardian of Creatures.

“Oh, so does that mean Saul is back?”



Silence within my chamber. She left.

I woke up with a headache but slid out of bed anyways. What will I do today? I walked to my closet and opened it. Nothing was there. So, am I suppose to walk around in the same clothes everyday? Uh, gross! I heard Beth yawn and the bed creak, so she must be up.

“Good morning, Beth.” I smiled letting her fill into my arms.

“Hi.” She replied still weak from her slumber.

I chuckled, “Are you hungry?”

She nodded and rubbed her eyes while we walked to the door. Before I could place my hand on the knob the door swung open and two cloaked men stood in the doorway. “Master Alinx,” the shorter one started, “You will be meeting with Botis in the courtyard to start your training.”

“My training? What is this? The fucking Olympics?” the short one didn’t laugh but the taller one did.

The taller one stopped his giggle, “It’s a big thing in the other realm. I thought it was funny.”

That voice.


Could it be?

“Where’s the courtyard?” am I avoiding him?

“We’ll show you.” The short one started.

The taller one stopped him, “I’ll show her.”

I looked from one Guardian to the other in the most awkward state. The taller one took my free hand and led Beth and me down the hallway. His hand was tight around mine and he was walking rather fast. We rounded a corner and Ashley practically collided into us.

The Guardian wrapped an arm around my waist, “Take Beth.”

Ashley did as she was told and looked back up at him, “You’re going to get in trouble. You promised.” She hissed walking off with Beth looking back at us.

“C’mon.” he grunted shooting off in the opposite direction.

This isn’t good.

Shut up.

You’re gonna get it.

We came to a rose covered courtyard. With a huge fountain in the middle with dark blue water streaming out of it. The benches were made out of a clear emerald rock that matched the vines covering the walls. And the ground was covered in soil with flat stepping stones with jewels encrusted on the top. It was beautiful. The sun hasn’t risen yet, so the fireflies were still out. The sky was a deep purple turning into a rich pink. I inhaled and exhaled taking in all of the elegancy of this spot. I didn’t want to leave.

“My girl.” I was whipped around from the scenery to face the Guardian. His hand flew up to my face, and he rubbed it softly.

Is this really happening?

He’s back?

“I’ve missed you so,” his thumb traced my lips and dragged my bottom lip down a little. He pressed his body close to mine and closed the space between out faces. The kiss started out soft. He was careful but held onto me tight, like he never wanted us to separate ever again. He backed me into a wall and picked me up while wrapping his arms around me. The kiss grew dangerous. It hurt to kiss him. My lips throbbed but I didn’t want him to stop. I’ve wanted this for half a year, and now I’m getting it. He let one of his hands go free from my body and pounded the wall next to our heads, “Damn it.” He growled. He let go and pulled away. He ran his fingers through his hair and paced in anger. “I can’t.” he muttered under his breathe. But to contradict what he said he came up to me and kissed me, but pulled away. “Shit! My girl, Aaliyah, Master Alinx, I can’t.”

What does he mean?

He obviously means he can’t kiss you.

But why?

Do I look like I know…actually, I do know.

“Master Alinx-.”

“Don’t call me that.”

“I can’t not call you that, Master Alinx, I’m sorry for my behavior. I can’t and will not do this. Forgive me.” he stalked off leaving me in the courtyard alone.

What just happened?

That just happened.

Yes, but what was that?

He cannot be with you. He cannot be with someone of higher power than him. He’s a male, he’s dominant. Besides, Masters are only aloud to be with each other, not with those who are weaker.

But Saul is stronger than me.

Sure, you can think that.

“Ready for your lessons?” Botis asked entering the courtyard with a huge smile on his face.

It’s time to let go, and be what you were made to be.

I wiped a tear that slipped and stood up straight, “Yes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
okie dokie. for those who are confused....she has two sides to her. her mind. well yeah.....