Hung From a Halo

He Is

You were hilarious today. Haha! Seeing you doing those martial arts moves made me snicker.

Really? I didn’t notice.

You amuse me, Master Alinx.

You’ll tire of me. Trust me, everyone does…

Oh don’t get so gloomy. Just because one little guy breaks your heart doesn’t mean you have to go back to your room and scare Beth by gorging down all the cookies.

But it’s Saul. He proposed to me before he died. I thought he’d always love me.

Oh do shut up! I’m not going to sit in your head listen to your own little fucking soap opera!

She left.


That creep.

I walked around the Shayelinday Palace. My personal little dude in my head was right. If Saul can get over me so fast, then why can’t I? It can’t be that hard. All he did was die! Ha! So should I? No no no. I will never slip into that darkest corner. I rounded the corner and interrupted what seemed like a small gathering. Master Ligdin was there, and so were all the other Masters. They all looked up at the intruder and I immediately felt like puking.

“Master Alinx, please come join us.” Master Ligdin’s wealthy voice called me over.

I nervously stumbled over next to him; I’m not sure if he was only being polite and letting me listen in, or I was really wanted.

His attention was still on me, “We were just discussing this upcoming Spring Ball. It isn’t as big as the two solstice balls, but it will still be quite grand.”

Great, another ball.

Drinks all around!

Not right now!

“And when is that, Master Ligdin?” Something inside of me turned me on, and it made me unsure of whom I was anymore. For some reason I had an amazing respect towards Master Ligdin. Maybe it was because he didn’t let me die.

“In exactly one month.” He replied.

That’s right, it’s February 21st.

Duh, fucktard.

The room was filled with silence, and that’s when I knew I was no longer wanted. I backed up, “Thanks for the information. Goodnight, Master Ligdin.”

“You will bow to a Master.” Saul stood next to me—well, he was like, twenty feet away—wearing his heavy black cloak with the hood down. “Bow, Master Alinx.”

Is he serious?

Damn right.

Fine, whatever. My eyes darted from Saul’s stone face to Master Ligdin’s worn out face. I tucked my toe behind my ankle and did as Saul instructed; for the last fucking time. I quickly got up and spun away out of the room, “Bastard.” I mumbled under my breath. It’s like we are starting all over again. The Monster is truly back.

I slammed my bedroom door closed, while breathing heavily trying not to lose my temper. Beth and Ashley were sitting on the edge of the bed staring at me. They knew better than to get in my way now or even talk.

“How could he!” I screamed for every slaughtered animal that could not. “A Bastard! That’s what he is! A Monster! That’s what he is! I fucking prick that always gets what he wants! That’s what he is!”

Ashley got up and rushed over to me, “Shush, Ali. We don’t want them to hear.” She hugged me close, but I pushed away from her.

“Let them hear me! Let them know what the most fucking valuable Guardian did to his lover!!!! Let the world know! Let the fucking world know how much of a barbaric animal he has always been!”

Beth dove under the covers and Ashley’s voice turned harsh, “Listen to me. Stop letting your anger be heard. I know you are mad and deeply hurt. But, Ali, you are stronger than this. I know you can get over him.” her voice dropped to a softer tune and I let her embrace me in a motherly touch.

Let it out.

No, not this way.

Yes. It’s the only way he will get the message.

Are you trying to hurt me?

She left.

“What he’s doing, isn’t fair.” Ashely cooed.

I wiped away invisible tears. Why wasn’t I crying? Am I in that state of shock?

“You are stronger than him. Remember that.”

Why does everyone keep saying that? I am not!

“Now go put Beth to bed. Botis said you did great today while training. He says you’ll make an amazing fighter.” She helped me up and walked me over to the bed, “Your clothes will be here tomorrow along with Beth’s. Goodnight.” She left the room without another word.

I kicked off my shoes and tugged off my jeans, but left my tank on. Crawling under the blankets I pulled Beth into my chest. My priority now is Beth and living up to the name of Master Alinx.

That’s my girl.

The night was late, and it was very dark. I stared out of the open window thinking. I’m a Master. I do Masterly things…like? I am a mother. I do motherly things…like? I should close the window; it’s still frosty outside and I don’t want Beth to catch a cold. But I won’t. I’m too lazy to get up.

I stood atop a missive hill. It was rocky and painted with blood. Bodies lay broken in half, stabbed, ripped apart, and decapitated all around me. Kirra. She stood below me, with blood trailing down her chin. Her teeth were pointed to a shark’s point. Her curly auburn hair was dirty and knotted. Her eyes were pitch black, with not even the slightest hint of life to them. I crouched down low and began to glow into a white light. She followed my challenge as she growled. Chunks of raw flesh dropped from her mouth when she opened it to wail a warning to me. I had huge blue tinted feather wings spring from my bare back. My hair was long again, and covered my naked chest. We stared at each other full of revenge. We meet again. She will fall. I will rise. But it was Kirra who stood up straight and smiled wickedly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why is she giving up? A black light went off. And every burst of white light that flickered on a heavy thud beat hard in my chest. It pushed me down into the ground, as if Hell opened up and was now dragging me down into it’s pit. I screamed and clawed at the ground. Trying desperately to get out of harm, I even cried out to Kirra; wanting her to have some sanity and help me from dying. She shouldn’t be after me, I am not The Fallen. She surprised me and grabbed onto my forearms pulling me up. She took hold of my throat and began to constrict.

I shot up gasping for air. Cold sweat dripped across my brow and chest. My hands shook as I pushed back my short hair, and I looked around in fear of Kirra standing at the foot of my bed. Nothing was there. My gaze shot down to Beth, but she was still asleep. Good she didn’t wake up when I did.

Stop worrying.

Not you.

Yes, me. Hey have you look at the window yet?

What do you mean?

She left.

My eyes wandered over to the direction of the window. It was closed. “What the hell?” I mumbled squinting to make sure I’m really seeing a closed window that is suppose to be open. So, who closed it?
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comments my duckies!