Hung From a Halo


The clouds hung low today. Mist and fog clung to my ankles freezing them with the help of the February temperature. The grass was frosted and the sound of ocean waves in the distance drowned in the thickness of the air. The bottom of my jeans were soaked and my purple converse squeaked against each other. My hair hung in my face in a stringy mess and left my neck bare thanks to the short chops still lingering against my jaw line. I was tired of waving my sword in the air and fighting against Botis. My blade was beginning to feel heavy, and we have only been practicing for at least a half hour.

“Can we stop for today?” I tossed my sword onto the grass and sat down with a huff. My butt started to freeze so I stood back up in a hurry.

Botis straightened up from his crouch and stared me down. I scratched my head and dropped his gaze, “Fine he murmured, but tomorrow you’ll have to put in an extra hour. I don’t want you to start slacking off. I know that ever since last Tuesday night after the news about Kirra you’ve been trying to keep Beth from Saul. I’m just telling you that you need to let Saul do his job and for you to let it be.” He stalked off towards the palace.

I sat dumbstruck. What did he just say? That was out of the blue. He has no right to bring that up! “Excuse me!” I hollered.

He turned around and smirked.

“Hold on!” I walked faster trying to catch up. When I finally did I was out of breath.

“What do you want, Miss Ali?”

“Don’t you talk to me about that! I don’t want that man near Beth. There is nothing to it. I don’t want him to do anything that will hurt her. So there! Neeners to you Botis!” I stuck out my tongue and stalked off in front of him.

He chuckled lightly.

Haha, he has a point, Master Alinx. Who are you really keeping Saul from? You are always around Beth…so who is it?

Don’t you start with me.

She left.

I ascended the staircase in the main ballroom and started down the hallways to my room. It was about two hours after dinner and I had to stay afterward for a meeting with the Guardians and the Masters. Apparently, Kirra is 200 miles outside of Shayelinday, somewhere off in Cradle Woods. Spies were sent out last Wednesday to see if she has created an army. Daniel is with her, along with his old army from the previous war. So, Daniel broke his promise to Saul about staying away as long as he died. Just great. My thoughts swarmed my head and all I wanted to do was go take a hot bath and think some things over. How the hell am I going to keep Beth from harm? I’m not strong, and Kirra will surly kill me if I ever come into contact with her.

You worry too much.

Mother instincts.

Should be Saul’s instincts.

Don’t bring him up.

I’m your mind, so ‘tis you too who also brings him up.

Is not. I have no control over you!

Or so you think.

I reached the bathroom and snuck in without anybody noticing, not that anyone was in the hall. I still felt like being all secretive. I stripped of my clothing and opened the glass door to turn on the water. Sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around me I hummed Across the Universe by the Beatles. Ah, music from the other realm. I miss that place like mad. Ever since Saul died Beth and I couldn’t get back to our home. But now since I’m a fucking Master I have the power to do so. I can’t though, or I shouldn’t. Beth needs the right protection. If I fully take Beth away from here that means Saul would have to come with us to do his job. He can’t leave Princess Bitch. They “love” each other. Yeah, Saul I would like to see your face scrunch up and tell your Princess Snob that you love her. I got up and walked to the shower, put my hand under the raining water, and decided it was hot enough so I got in.

Did you just admit that Saul needs to be around Beth?

I don’t want him to, but I won’t be able to fight off Kirra if she comes around.

So, you now understand why Saul needs to be near Beth at all times. That is marvelous! The Masters would have been very upset if you would have gone against their wishes. More than upset; furious! But, I guess it is natural for you to hurt people, in more ways than just bashing their face with your fists. Let me tell you this crazy ass bitch, you’ve got guts.


I know what you had to go through while living with Saul. He was very aggressive towards you, but still loved you so madly. It confused you didn’t it?

You have no idea.

I lathered on some soapy water onto my legs and took a razor to them. Soft smooth skin came after the razor left each spot.

You surprised me.


When I first entered your mind I thought you were jut some whore who had her heart broken.But I see a lot of potential in you.

Please don’t go all “wise janitor” on me.

It is true, Master Alinx. I can’t see why someone like you thinks of themselves as worthless or not strong.

I don’t see myself as worthless, just weaker than most people. That is all. I really wanna go home.

Way to change the subject. Why? What was there?

My job, good food, memories, and a home. Well, I actually burned down my home because of Daniel, so that isn’t there anymore. Gosh, I miss my tattoo parlor. My foster dad gave it to me once I turned eighteen. I loved that place. My best friend, Sam, also owned it with me. We had a lot of fun with the workers. Sam would even take me out to clubs. He was such a good dancer, well; he was gay so that probably explains it. He always made me laugh…he was really my only friend. Don’t get me wrong, I had other friends, but Sam was just the main one. And then came the night when Olivia and Nathan came to take me away. Nathan killed Sam. I’ve never really forgiven him about that, but I don’t have to now…because Olivia and Nathan are both dead. I just like Seattle better than this place. Here, all the streets in town are cobble stone with old buildings. It literally looks like a storybook place someone in Switzerland. But then in Seattle, the streets are always busy, coffee shops are always open, grunge and jazz can always be heard when walking around at night, and everyone is so different there. You got rich people, poor, Goth, hippie, and poets. I just love it. I would do anything to go back just as long as Beth is with me.

Sounds boring.

It isn’t.

Get lucky with anybody?

Oh my fucking gosh! Well, yeah. I’m not a virgin if that is what you are asking. Too many parties and too many cute guys.


What? No! That isn’t what I meant! Haha, I’ve only had sex twice, and they were both with boyfriends. I’ve had make out sessions with guys though.

But never like Saul’s kisses huh?


I’m guessing Saul was one of the boyfriends you have had sex with, eh?

No, Saul and I have never had sex. I don’t know why, it just never happened. We’ve come close when things got heated, but I wouldn’t allow. For some reason I always stopped it before anything happened. Just…did.

Oh, so I guess you can’t rub it in Princess Rayneas’s face huh?


Too bad, that would have made one hell of a fight.

She left…

I finished washing my hair and just stood under the shower head. The water ran down my back and curved with the hill of my backside. The water was burning and opened my pores. I took this chance to scrub out any toxins in my body. Everything was so calming…ow! An intolerable pain shot down through my spine!

“Aaaahhh!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “STOP!” I continued to scream and bones crackled and slid against each other. My flesh ripped and sounded like Velcro. I shuddered and lost complete control over my body. I slammed my head continuously against the tiled walls. “Aaaah!” My throat betrayed me and caused a scene. I fell to the bottom of the tub and started clawing at my own skin. It felt like a thousand ants crawled all over me, biting wherever they pleased. My continuous screams and pleas grew louder until they started cracking under the force of how hard I was pushing myself to go louder. I looked down at the invisible ants and saw that I was covered in blood. My head slammed onto the walls over and over and I still clawed at my torso and tried to scratch my back. All the pain came from there. It felt as if my spine was twisted and trying to straighten out.

“Aaliyah!” The shower door swung opened and crashed against the wall causing the glass to rain down in a shattering amazement, “Come here!” the voice rumbled as a pair of strong arms struggled to get a grasp of my slippery body. I wanted to go with him, but my body was its own. I tried pushing him away, but he beat my body and got a hold of me.

“NO!” I screamed when he pulled my body into his. He leaned against a wall and held me so tightly that I could barely move. My head still thrashed about, but instead of hitting tile it hit against his chest, something a million times softer. My fingers twisted his shirt as my tears of pain stained a puddle onto grey fabric.

“Ssh, it’s okay. You are going to be fine.” His voice made me want to puke.

Why the fuck is he here?

Make it stop!

Tsk tsk tsk on Saul. Very naughty boy.

Aah! What is happening.

“Ali!” Botis screamed. “What is happening to her Saul? What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything! It’s her damn wings!”

An hour at the most. I gained control over my body, so I wasn’t hurting myself. Botis lay at towel over my naked body so that the crowd that gathered over the past hour wouldn’t see me. I was still trembling from the unbelievable pain. My forehead was against Saul’s collarbone, and he was still wet with both the water from my body and his sweat. It took him all of his strength to get me to calm down and not to thrash about. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his arms were tangled around my body, and his knees barricaded me from slipping out. My whimpering subsided and heavy gasps and huffs took their place.

Are you okay?


It will be fine. Don’t worry. They are new.

What is?

“She should go to bed. They went back into her back. Now you are just holding her damn naked body.” Botis suggested. His head rested in his cupped hands as he stared out over Saul and I. “Saul, you need to let her go. You are going to get into trouble. You are lucky none of The Masters came to see this.”

Saul nodded and balanced me in his arms as he slowly stood up.

Botis got up and walked over and expected Saul to hand me over, but Saul ignored his gesture.

“I’ll take her.” a growl simmered under his heart, and only I could feel the tension under that growl beneath his chest. We left the bathroom without any other word. We walked down the hallways without saying anything. He opened my bedroom door and walked in without a single whisper.

I sat on my bed and picked up my silk night gown. I put it on quickly with my back turned to him. I got under the covers and turned to kiss Beth goodnight. Beth was right in the middle of Saul and me. He brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her hand. “Good bye Beth.”

She furrowed her eyebrows and turned over to face me. She was still asleep. I continued to look and Saul, mostly because his gaze never left mine.

“Your wings are beautiful, Aaliyah.” He nodded his head instead of saying good bye and left the room. Left me.

I’m sorry
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