Hung From a Halo


“A is for Apple. B is for Bird. C is for- Beth please pay attention. I can’t teach you if you aren’t going to concentrate.”

“My gosh Ashley, she is only four.”

“So, she needs to be smart. Not like her Auntie Ashley.”

I rolled my eyes and painted my fingernails purple with a silver tip. We were all in one of the many sitting rooms of the castle just hanging out. Ashley was teaching Beth the alphabet and how to read, while I prepped myself for tonight’s dinner by painting my nails. The Royal’s Dinner Party starts sharply at six o’clock and ends whenever the hell people leave. I’m not looking forward to this damn dinner. I hate fancy things, can we just please all eat Chinese take-out and sit in sweats on a couch in front of a horror movie? I would rather attend that than a formal sit down. Can someone gag for me? I’m afraid if I do I might puke all over this nice velvet armchair.

“You look sick, are you alright Ali?” Ashley put away the ABC cards and sat down on the couch next to me.

I shook my head, but still whispered, “I’m fine.”

Beth sat down on the floor and played with one of the hundred palace cats. I smiled at her and let my stomach churn in silence.

“No you aren’t. Why are you so nervous?”

“I’m not nervous.”

My concentration left my painting and landed on Ashley. She cocked an eyebrow, “Yes you are. I can feel it. I know you don’t like this dinner happening, but you are a Master so you have to just deal with it.”

“I don’t feel like dealing with it.”

“Of course you would feel that way. You are Aaliyah the Stubborn. Haha, hey at least you’re going in your own style. You got a pretty cool dress and you are painting your nails in a very non-formal manner. It’s cool; you are rebelling from your own calling.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I mumbled finishing up my last nail.

“We have never had a Master as young and odd as you.”

I took a little offense to that, “I’m not odd.”

“Yes you are,” she laughed like a witch and sighed, “You don’t like following the rules. I can feel that in the near future you are going to do something ridiculous and against The Masters.”

I shrugged my shoulders when a faint knock came to us. I looked up at the figure standing by one of the pillars that made three entrances to this room. It spoke.

“Master Alinx, would you be so ever kind to accompany me tonight to The Royal’s Dinner Party?” A young man maybe in the mid twenties asked in a light-hearted voice with a charming smile.

This could be your comfort for tonight. I would take it. Plus he is very fine.

Who is he?

Guardian of Wrath, or known as Luke.

Wrath? So he has anger issues?

Uh…let’s just say he’s a fighter. But at least someone asked you. Plus he is very good looking. Just go with him.

No, he has anger issues. I don’t want him to get mad at me.

You get your ass dressed and go with him now!

Okay!!!! Damn…

“Um, Master Alinx?”

I snapped back to reality and gazed over at his fiery eyes, “Yes. I would love to go with you.”

He smiled triumphantly, “Alright then. I’ll see you tonight then.”

“Of course.” I stated returning his smile.

He nodded and walked away still smiling.

He’s hot

Please don’t fill my head with drool.

You’re right, there is no more room with all the hot air in here.


The Amethyst makes my outfit. I slipped in some large diamond crusted amethyst earrings and stood in front of the mirror. I tilted my head and gazed at my reflection. The last time I was getting ready for something fancy was the Summer Solstice Ball. Yeah, that did not end so smoothly…I hope this place doesn’t burn down; it’s amazingly beautiful. The sun was beginning to set and illuminated the sky with a purple haze. I searched for any flaws in my makeup before Luke shows up. Didn’t find any, but I wish I hadn’t cut my hair. It was a lot shorter…but not a bob. Haha, I would look terrible in that. My hair sits right on top of my shoulders. In another month my hair would finally be past my shoulders, and I can’t wait for that to happen. It was curled at the ends and swooped down across my face with a side split. It added a nice elegant twist to my purple sparkly cocktail dress, and tonight I kind of need to be classy. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and walked out of my bedroom and into the hallway. Girls and boys danced down the corridors in short dresses and spiked hair. Women and Men gossiped and smoked cigars, while downed in tuxes and cocktail dresses, but you could tell who the Guardians were because they wore their black cloaks. I took a stride in a big group that passed and tried to look casual to ease my senses.

You are doing fine, just find Luke and you are gold.

What if he stands me up?

I don’t think he will.

It’s already 6:10, the party has already begun.

Maybe he is looking for you. Or maybe he is waiting at your door?

You’re right! I should go back.

No! You will look like a fool standing by your door. Just get to the ballroom!


Wait! Get inside a room now!


No any! Just go! Hurry!


I slipped into a small private library and shut the door. It wasn’t completely dark, thanks to the rosy sunset’s glow.

This might sting a little, but it won’t hurt as much as the first time

Ow! What the fuck was that!?!?!

Chill out and just stand still.

Okay, what is wrong with my back?

It’s your wings. We still don’t know why or how…but a Master’s true identity is shown when in the line of duty or in the presence of The Royals…which would be the King and Queen of Shayelinday. That’s why your wings didn’t sprout when you met Princess Rayneas. So whenever you encounter these two your angelic features and abilities will be able to come into use. Other than that you are simply an angel in disguise.

Okay…so when can I go back out and to the party?

Oh you can go now, they are out. It becomes a faster transition once you do it a little longer. Hey, that sounded a little dirty.

Oh gosh. Okay. I’m going to the party now.

I exited the library without care of anyone seeing me and hastily made it to the ballroom. Many creatures were dancing and sipping ale. Oh man, liquor. No one better let me get a hold of that. I know I’m not a drunk, but once I start I don’t know what my limit is…I keep going and going and going until I’m sliding down a staircase half naked. I looked around searching for anything or anyone inviting. I couldn’t recognize anybody! I’ve seen and met all the Guardians, and I know they are the ones in black, but their faces…oh their faces. They were sunken in the cheeks with a shadowed twist. Their eyes were bright or metallic. Their skin was kind of grey and they looked like they can do some serious damage to your ass.

“You are glowing under the most beautiful hue of blue.”

I turned around and smiled instantly, “Luke, I was afraid you had stood me up.” I let him kiss my hand and give me a glass of champagne.

“Why would I do that? Honestly I would have been slaughtered if I have done that to such a beautiful girl. No one here would tolerate that. Would you like to dance, Master Alinx?”

“I would love that, Luke. And please, call me Aaliyah.”

He smiled as we took the dance floor and twirled along with the others. He is different. I feel as if he doesn’t have as many dark secrets like the other men I had gone out with. It’s actually comforting to know that he vents anytime and anywhere; he doesn’t bottle it up and release it on anybody. I smiled to myself knowing that, no matter what, this guy will probably fight for me in the weirdest manner. I continued smiling up at him enjoying the feeling of a man’s arms around me once again. My eyes danced to the beat of the song and covered every square inch of the ballroom. Everybody was laughing loudly, dancing, little girls were chasing boys with kissy faces, and teens were flirting under the rising moon. I stared out the window watching the stars come out from under the covers, and then I saw them in the reflection of the window. My wings. They were the softest and palest blue I’ve ever seen. They were almost translucent…with still a little feathery texture to them. I was glowing. Luke wasn’t kidding when he said I was glowing under a hue of blue. It was as if I had an aura surrounding me. My skin had some shimmer to it, and my eyes were just like ice. Not the sky blue they usually are, but fierce.

“Enjoying the view?” Luke asked staring into my reflection with me.

I then noticed that we had stopped dancing.

“Do you not wish to dance anymore?” He asked taking my hand and leading me off the dance floor, “It’s alright; they have begun seating the guests for dinner. Let’s go have a seat.”

“Sure.” Was all I could say? I wanted to stay and look at myself, to look at the creature that I am.

We came into a grand dining room with a table so long you could fit at least 15 full rock bands on it. Many seats were already taken, but not by the guests, no. Who were these people? I see The Masters. I see the Guardians and The Royals. But these men! They wore red, stiff, and short jackets with black slacks. Gold buttons made double rows down the front, and an odd symbol was sown up in the top left corner. Soldiers? Possibly…I’m betting my money on that. We took our seats in silence, well Luke was talking to a couple Guardians nearby, but I was just taking this sight all in.

“Ladies and Gentlemen!” A booing voice caused me to jump and snap my head over to the head of the table. Master Ligdin stood with his hands rested on the table in a dominant stance. “Our palace welcomes King Theodorias and Queen Jaylun Leaders of Shayelinday, along with the other fellow Royals. I know that this meeting doesn’t usually happen until the middle of the year, but there has been a serious issue dropped upon our laps.”

Enough with this Kirra crap! She is just some psycho bitch who likes to eat people! Leave her alone!

Oh would you….I’m going to ignore you tonight.


He continued, “Death has been hunting for the one last surviving Fallen; a little girl the age of 5, Beth. She’s here at the Palace being watched over by The Guardian of The Fallen and Master Alinx. Now, tonight we have the army of Shayelinday fighting at our sides. They have agreed to help us push Death back in her tracks and to come up with a decoy to distract her from Beth. King and Queen, I assure you that your kingdom will be safe once again. We just have to find a way to satisfy her.”

Mumbles erupted all around. People were suggesting options and their opinions about how we should come around this. They all sounded ridiculous.

“There is one option though…” He sat down calmly resting his hands under his chin lazily, “Give the girl up.”

Fuck. I shot up out of my seat so fast that I almost fell back down with the loss of my balance, “You can’t!”

“Master Alinx, bite your tongue young blood.” He spat at me with venom slithering off his worn out lips.

Motherly instincts.

My raising of a daughter wasted.

He doesn’t even care.

“You will not give up her! You must fight for her survival. She is part of this world! She is your pupil! You have to help save her!”

“What if we don’t give her up?” A soldier stood up in protest, “Death will run mad and start killing those who have not fallen.”

“Oh sit your fat ass down. You know nothing about her. You don’t know what she can grow up to be.”

“By my understandings you aren’t her mother. You stole her from her own flesh and blood.”

“You dick! I did not! Get your fucking facts straight before you start trying to diss me on something when you weren’t even there to experience it.”

Several people have stood from their chairs taking sides by standing closer to either me or the soldier.

“Who cares Master Alinx? I say sacrifice the damned child before any of our neighbors’ blood is spilled for just one little girl!”

“Go to Hell. She is your neighbor. She lives in this world with you. She is a creature like you.”

He shook his head annoyed, “I hope we can all come to a reasonable conclusion that this child needs to be let into the hands of Death. For many reasons why: One, to save many lives. Two, so another war doesn’t start up. And three, if Master Alinx is the one raising this child, then I don’t want her to grow up being like Master Alinx. You are not one of us; you haven’t seen even ¼ of what we’ve seen. You are scum, loud, rude, immature, and you need to go back to the other world before you make several enemies here and force exile upon yourself.”

Don’t lose it.

I’m gonna kill him.

Alright fine, go ghetto on him.

I tried to scramble up the table to get across faster so I could tear his face off, but too many arms shot out before me to stop my rage. They struggled to pull me back, but they succeeded.

The room fell silent.

All eyes were on me.

One room divided by the rights.

A steady and controlled voice came from behind me. A hand landed on my shoulder. I wanted to fall, “This party has gone on for far too long. I’m closing this meeting. Good night to everyone. Soldier Tafea, don’t you ever speak to her like that again.”

“Guardian Saul?” Master Ligdin asked in a confused tone.

“No, we are all tired. We are all upset. We now know there are two very stubborn sides to this issue. The last thing we need is a rebellious issue. Master Ligdin, please say your share so we know whether or not to save Beth.” His voice was heavy, angry, and stiff. He talked slow as if not to burst out in a yelling fit.

We waited for his response. He swallowed hard. His yellow eyes scanned the waiting expressions of his fellow people nodding his head. I immediately knew what he chose, and then he looked back a Saul. “Sacrifice.”

My stomach knotted.

My eyes swelled.

I fell back.

A conscious faint took over my body.

Saul’s dark tone rumbled under my ear as his arms tightened just under my chest, “Well then, Master Ligdin, you have yourself a rebellion on your hands.”
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coments are welcomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!