Status: completed!

I Like to Gamble, If It's Not Money Then It's Your Life


It had been a few hours later when Kevin's family and Annalise's friends and had learned of their sudden deaths. A phone call was made at four o'clock in the morning to the Jonas residence. Soon the entire house was filled with the pain filled cries of Mrs. Jonas as she mourned the loss of her eldest son, her daughter-in-law and her granddaughter. Mr. Jonas was there to comfort his wife as she grieved. Joe, Nick and Frankie cried with each other. When Mrs. Jonas had gathered the strength she made the call to Michael and Krystal before calling Annalise's band.

It was hard but some how Krystal and Mrs. Jonas had planned the funeral for the small family.

The funeral was hard; Kevin and Annalise had died so early in their marriage and Carmen didn't live to see her second birthday. There was not a dry eye in the church when everyone stepped up to speak about Kevin, Annalise and Carmen. Tears streaked Denise's cheeks as she mourned for the family. Paul tried to remain strong, really he did, but he couldn't stop the silent tears that trickled down his face. Joe, Nick and Frankie sniffled and sobbed quietly knowing that their big brother, sister-in-law and niece had slipped away in a tragic incident that could have been prevented.

Michael, Krystal and their sons James and Ryan sat stone faced behind the Jonas family in the church. Michael and Krystal didn't know what to do or think let alone say about what had happened to the family; it was too hard. James and Ryan were understandably upset about losing their favourite aunt and uncle along with their baby cousin Carmen.

Mark sat next to Daniel who cradled their adopted baby girl, May Ling, in their arms as they cried for their friend, her husband and their niece. Mark, Daniel, Taylor and David had all stood up to eulogise the family. David couldn't speak, as soon as Taylor opened his mouth he burst into tears, Daniel refused to believe that they were dead, leaving Mark to hold a strong face for the band.

David and Taylor held each other as they cried. Penny Sue cried as well. She didn't know what was going on but she was smart enough to know that there was a strong connection between this woman and her husband to her own parents.

'Don't Need Your Sympathy' never made music again. Joe went into serious acting and Nick went on to form another band called 'Nick Jonas and The Administration'. Mark, Daniel, Taylor and David got jobs producing music for their own record label. Michael and Krystal were hired for another celebrity and the kids... Well James and Ryan grew up to be major league baseball players for their favourite team: the Yankees. Penny Sue grew up to become an actress, earning her first major role along side Joe in a movie. May Ling jumped from dancing to acting to playing in a band to painting to writing novels, one of her novels then went on to be made into a multi-million movie to which she earned millions. Frankie formed his own band 'Make Peace Not War' in honour of Annalise when he finally understood everything that had happened in her life. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas had some how managed to move on from everything that had happened and were content that they had raised their eldest son to the best of their ability and that they were doing the same with Joe, Nick and Frankie.

Years went by and everyone seemed to drift apart. Joe and Nick had moved out of home and had separate apartments. Mark and Daniel grew apart from Taylor and David and Michael and Krystal. The only real link that any of them had with each other was their children. May Ling, Penny Sue, Frankie, Ryan and James all hung out together whenever they had down time from their lives of fame and fortune. They kept each other grounded and their friendship was what kept them together.

“You know it's almost Uncle Kevin, Aunt Annalise and Carmen's death anniversary. We should do something.” Penny suggested.

“Yeah but what?” May asked looking at all of them.

“Maybe we should get our parents together at their grave site and just have a talk and reminisce. I don't think our parents have seen any of your parents in ages.” Ryan suggested.

“Yeah but I doubt anyone will come I mean they don't even talk about their glory days anymore.” James sighed.

“Come on guys! Annalise wouldn't want us to be like that! And I know that Kevin would want us to try and Carmen... Carmen would have been sixteen two months ago. We have to try and get them back together. To face everything and talk!” Frankie pushed.

“Frankie's right we should totally fix this.” May agreed.

“What have you broken this time boys?” Krystal walked into the room that the teens were occupying.

“Nothing mom.” Ryan and James smiled innocently at their mother. Krystal looked at her boys suspiciously before shrugging and walking out of the room.

“I think we should keep it a secret for now and if they ask say that we're planning a party for someone special.” Frankie grinned. Being sneaky was definitely something his uncle Joe had taught him to do.


“You had better have a good reason for dragging us all the way out here, May Ling Powell.” David looked in the rear view mirror to glare at his daughter.

“Baba don't worry, I promise it's a good reason.” May smiled at David innocently as they pulled up to the

“David isn't that Michael and Krystal?” Taylor asked as they pulled up to where Annalise, Kevin and Carmen were buried.

“May Ling?” David turned to his daughter and frowned in confusion.

“Baba, dad. It's time for a little reunion.” May smiled.

Taylor and David sighed before stepping out of the car. May smiled as she watched her parents walk up the hill to where the others were standing.

“Frankie you better--” Joe was cut off when he saw a tall man standing at Kevin's grave.

He watched as the man turned around to face him. His eyes were chocolate brown and his hair was cut and styled into tight curls. His frame was hidden by the dark overcoat that draped off of his body. The strong legs that Joe knew were there were hidden by a pair of jeans.

“Nick? Nicholas is that you?” Joe asked with slight tears in his eyes.

“Joe?” Nick stared at his older brother.

Joe had aged a little but not a lot; his boyish looks were still there. He had cut his hair again back to the 'Joe-hawk' as he called it. He had a few laugh lines around his eyes and a few bags underneath his dark caramel eyes. His arms had stayed the same, muscular but bigger than Nick had remembered them being.

No other words were spoken as the brothers enveloped each other in an almost bone crushing hug. Frankie smiled as he watched his two older brothers hug the life out of the other. When they finally pulled apart they spoke.

“You haven't changed, much.” Joe smiled at his little brother.

“You look older, as in mature.” Nick said, a small smile tugging at his lips.

“We're finally together as brothers.” Frankie stated as he walked to stand next to the grave site.

“Almost.” Joe said turning to bob down next to his brother's headstone.

Paul Kevin Jonas II
November 5 1987- February 10 2013
A big brother, a great son, a loving husband, a caring father
Rest In Peace

“We miss you, Kev.” Joe whispered and he wiped some mud off of the stone, revealing the small photo of Kevin's smiling face behind a glass panel.

Nick sat down next to Joe and pulled his knees to his chest. Frankie copied his brothers just as he saw May, Penny and the twins coming up the hill. Frankie smiled as he watch Daniel, Mark, Taylor, David, Michael and Krystal come into view and walk towards the final resting grounds of the small family.

“Well isn't this a lovely surprise?” Krystal smiled as she saw the three brothers.

“Yeah, just wish it was at a happier time.” Joe gave her a half smile.

The brothers stood and hugged the others before sitting back down. Krystal laid down a bouquet of orchids on Annalise's grave as Ryan and James put down a yellow tulip each on Kevin and Carmen's grave. Michael scooted to the headstone to wipe off the dirt that had gathered on the writing and the small glass panel with her smiling photo.

Annalise Mirabelle Lison
17 July 1987- February 10 2013
A loyal friend, a respected musician, a loving wife, a caring mother
Rest In Peace

“We all miss you Lisey.” Michael smiled weakly as a silent tear ran down his cheek for the girl who he had loved as a daughter.

David, Daniel, Taylor and Mark all set down a bunch of blue hydrangeas each on Annalise's grave before putting a yellow tulip on Carmen and Kevin's grave.

May Ling and Penny Sue put a yellow tulip on each of the graves before they both wiped off the grime on the head stone and the glass panel with her smiling face placed behind it.

Carmen Rosetta Jonas
September 10 2011- February 10 2013
A beautiful granddaughter, a bubbly niece, a bright light taken too early
Rest In Peace, little Angel

“Let's sing something, for old times sake.” Joe suddenly said.

“How about 'Eternity'?” May asked.

“That's a great idea.” Her parents smiled.

“Okay on four. 1, 2, 3, 4.” Nick counted them in.

Looking at a picture
of you
in my hands
Wondering if I'm ever
gonna see
you again

Without you
I don't know how my life will be
but I believe

It's not good-bye
'cause I will remember you
and I
will you see again
when I rise
'cause I know and I believe
I will see you in eternity

So close yet so far
but in my heart
you're here with me
You did not leave
you just went to live
in eternity

Without you
I don't know how my life will be
but I believe

It's not good-bye
'cause I will remember you
and I
will you see again
when I rise
'cause I know and I believe
I will see you in eternity

We will live in the light of the sun again
dancing in the river of life and
know it'll never end
forever by my side
we'll never have to say

'cause I will remember you
and I
will you see again
when I rise
'cause I know and I believe
I will see you in eternity

It's not good-bye
'cause I will remember you
and I
will you see again
when I rise
'cause I know and I believe
I will see you in eternity

I will see you in eternity
I will see you in eternity

As they finished the song, silent tears were rolling down everyone's cheeks. When they had been dried they began to talk about the good and the funny times that they had shared with the three. It was a happy day for all of them really. It was a celebration of their lives and it had brought everyone back together again... just like it should be.


“Mom, look everyone's back together again at our grave site.” Carmen pointed down to the little gathering on earth.

“Kevin, look.” Annalise watched the smiling faces of the people she had left behind.

“They're all older, look at the kids.” Kevin smiled as he watched everyone.

“They're finally at peace.” Carmen smiled looking at her parents.

“Now we are too.” Annalise beamed at her husband before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

It might not have been the happiest ending ever but all turned out well in the end. Although in the passing of the small Jonas family it had brought heart ache and pain it had also brought them closer to each other and really... that's all they really need.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't believe that I've finally finished this but it's done and I'm think that I might be start finishing the other ones before I write anything else but I have a slot of ideas I just wanna thank everyone's who's has commented and subbed to this story and I hope you guys read my other stories!

much love and thanks

xx alexis<3