Don't Worry, I'll Save You


I sighed and stepped out into the pouring rain. The rain drops feel fast and large, but not harshly, from the gray morning sky. I walked swiftly to the end of the driveway and stood under the large tree that was at the edge of our property. The bus would arrive any minuet taking me to my personal hell.

The rain drops that were falling one by one from the tree top above me splattered on my hooded dark brown head. My deep green eyes that sometimes changed to brown depending on my mood were closed into slits, trying to keep the rain out. My eyeliner was smeared a bit, I was sure.

I could hear the purr of the bus’ engine long before I saw the yellow vehicle. It came to a squeaky halt and I stepped up into the warm , narrow space. My shoes squeaked down the isle until I took my seat all the way in the back.

I let my mind absently run. Thoughts of last year, the news, movies, books all flashed through my mind. By the time I knew it, we were coming to a stop in front of the 2 story prison they call school. It seemed as if a barbed-wire-electric-fence would go better then the lucid chain-linked one they had here. But nonetheless, I stepped off the bus, not quite ready to spend 7 hours cooped up with people who I’d rather at slugs than listen to all day, but I had no choice, like everything else in life.

“Go to college” My parents had said. “Get good grades.” They demanded. “Don’t befriend hooligans” They warned. “Become a nurse, like you’re mother, or a doctor, like your father,” They badgered. God, I hated it.

“Good morning, Alexandria.” The principal, Mr. Scotts, greeted as he walked by.
“Good morning, sir.” I replied. “Always be respectful. Miss, Ma’am and Sir, Alex.” My parents’ voice ran through my head. My hands balled into fists.

I went quickly to my locker. My bus was the first one here, so the halls were quiet and empty. I punched in my locker combination, got my science book and was the first one to my geophysical science class, 15 minuets before the bell rang. It happens when you don’t have friends. I sighed and went over my notes.

I gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You,
I’m begging You,
I’m begging You
to be my escape
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi. I'm really excited about this story, so please leave comments.

*Im going to be using a song at the end of every chapter, so
"Be My Escape" by Relient K