Status: Em I Sometimes Get Writers Block And Am Writing Three Stories But I'll Update As Often As Possible

You'll Never Know Just How Much I Hate You

Oh, God, Why?

I awoke to a bump, followed by another bump and an unpleasant pressure in my ears. Then lots of clapping and cheering.

Great, we had landed. Now to school. Why the hell were the girls cheering? We were all going to our own person hells. I understood why the children were cheering, they were kids and it was exciting to them. But excited to be going to school? I really don't understand them...

I looked over next to me to see a sleeping Leigh. How she managed to stay asleep during the landing as well was beyond me. She was a deep sleeper.

"Hey! Leigh! Wake up! We've landed!" I shouted in her ear, shaking her. She responded by punching me in the face and then going back to sleep. I laughed and rubbed my jaw where she hit me. She was getting better at that. But she has had a lot of practice. We had shared a room the last school year. I wondered how she managed to keep it up during the summer. Probably on her dad. He would've just laughed knowing Noel. I chuckled at the thought.

"Leigh," I said quietly, dangerously in her ear. I knew she wasn't completely out after I woke her up. "If you don't get up now I will lift your top up... all the way."

She was suddenly very awake, facing me, fire in her eyes.

"You wouldn't dare," she growled in my face, her teeth gritted. I laughed, leaning back and getting up.

"Maybe, maybe not," I replied, reaching up and taking my carry-on luggage out of the over-head storage.

She glared at me and I laughed. Then she leaned forward.

"Hey," she said in a low voice. "Did you see that guy that got on the plane last? Was it just me or was he a bit off?"

My face darkened. "I hate him. I've only ever seen him and I hate him. I hope I get to punch him in his fat-ass smirk before I never see him again." I finished getting my things out of the over-head storage and moved out of the way for other people, letting Leigh get her bag.

"Wow! He must've really left an impression on you, Sammy! What happened to 'never judge a book by it's cover'?"

"Some people just need to be judged," I said darkly. I looked to where Sasha and Jamie would be and saw that they were already getting off the plane. The Ass-wipe (that is what I had decided to call the guy on the plane) was no where to be seen luckily. "Come on, let's go or we'll loose Sasha and Jamie." With that I took off down the aisle.

"Whoa! What's with you, Speedy Gonzales?" Leigh asked, jogging to keep up with me and grabbing my elbow. I ripped it gently from her grasp.

"I just am," I muttered through my teeth. I had no idea why I was in such a bad mood. Luckily my best friends were used to it and knew what to do when I was in that kind of a mood. I ran down the stairs off the plane, walking along the path marked for pedestrians to get to the arrivals area. Leigh grabbed my shoulder tightly and turned my round, punching me straight in the face, harder this time as she was no longer half asleep. My head snapped backwards but I regained myself just as fast, my eyes burning like a raging fire. As soon as the anger sparked, it dimmed down, quenching the fire in my eyes. I burst out laughing, wiping blood from the side of my mouth.

"Nice punch! You been practicing, Lee-Lee?" I asked her. "Sorry for being all bitchy on you."

Leigh laughed too. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you bleed. I've been practicing with my dad. You know, it's meant to be self-defense, you know, if a guy tries to rape me or something? but I knew I'd using it on you." We both laughed. I was fine, really, I was used to far worse. Growing up as a little girl in a family that consists of mainly males I was beaten up a lot before they realized they shouldn't hit girls. Harvey has a very nice upper-cut.

"I thought so..." I laughed. I glanced behind me to notice the biker dude staring in shock, his mouth open like a gaping fish. I laughed harder.

Before we knew it we had caught up with Jamie and Sasha.

"Hey guys!" I said happily. They eyed the left-over blood at the edge of my mouth warily.

"You in a bad mood?" Sasha asked me.

"Not anymore she's not!" Leigh replied cheerfully. "I've been working on my punch!" Jamie smiled warmly at me, Sasha sighed and shook her head like an exasperated mother.

We finally made it through security and went to pick up our bags. As we were waiting at the conveyor (sp?) belt waiting for our bags there was an unpleasant surprise.
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Ha Ha!!! A cliff hanger!!! :L Sorry it's kind of short but I managed to do it! I will add a third one, which will be short very very soon. I kind of like this one :*D rate, comment, subscribe, tell all your friends! xo Niamh