Status: Em I Sometimes Get Writers Block And Am Writing Three Stories But I'll Update As Often As Possible

You'll Never Know Just How Much I Hate You

Never. Judge. Me.

Guess who was standing next to me waiting for his luggage? Surprise, surprise, of all fucking surprises it was The Ass-wipe.

He looked down at me - damn, I had never noticed how tall he was - and gave me that God-awful, annoying, frustrating smirk that was really, REALLY pissing me off. 'Avoid eye contact, just avoid eye contact, you can do it Sam, you can do it,' I chanted to myself in my head. I managed to concentrate on the luggage only but I could feel his annoyingly superior stare burning into me.

"You okay there, Sam?" Jamie asked me, a startled look on her face.

I looked over at her with wide, crazy eyes, my teeth gritted.

"I'm just FINE thank you, Jamie, there are just a few ISSUES at hand that are VERY frustrating," I hissed through my teeth very stiffly, inclining my head in the direction of The Ass-wipe. She copped on. Oh, how much I love that!

"Well, maybe you should just focus on the luggage for now," she amended. Tell me something I don't know. Finally, I spotted my bag, far away from me. I had stuck a Dark Guy picture on it and my whole school knew it was mine. Why? I don't know... they just... did... friggen stalkers! I was utterly disgusted in that second when I had been glowing just a moment before. Gosh, what was I? Bipolar?

I walked over to my bag, it was tangled with another black bag with a picture of Green Day, Papa Roach, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold and Billy Talent symbols on it. Guess who walked over to untangle their bag from mine? Yup! You guessed it... The Ass-wipe.

He chuckled with that annoying smirk on his face. I gritted my teeth and clenched my eyes shut.

"This must be fate, babe," he said to me. Oh, my gosh! How much I wanted to hurt this ass!

"Probably. Probably fate rushing me to either, kill you, or myself to get away from you. I haven't decided yet, but so far I'm thinkin' you might be the one dying," I hissed. He laughed harder, using his superior height to look down his nose at me.

"Feisty are we?" He asked, taking my bag and putting it down. The smirk was still there. "Sorry! I didn't want you to break a nail or hurt those little weak arms of yours, doll-face! I'm Jack by the way."

Him calling me doll-face felt like listening to nails scratch a black-board. I felt like vomiting. I Clenched my jaw tightly.

"I. Am. Not. Fucking. Weak." I growled through clenched teeth.

"Sure, sure, doll-face, what-ever you say," he waved it away. He was still smirking and he was still looking down his nose at me.

"Call me that one more time," I murmured. This was my only chance, I mean, I was never going to see The Ass-wipe again.

"Doll face?" He said. That was it. He broke my last straw. I leaped forward, punching him in the face with all my might. I heard a satisfying crunch. He fell back, flat on his ass, startled. There was a little bit of blood splatter on the floor and blood dripped from is nose and mouth.

I smirked as he spat blood and groaned, wiping the blood from his mouth with his sleeve.

"You bitch! What was that for?" He growled.

"For being an ass," I hissed. "I am not weak. And now I've punched that sarcastic-ass smirk off your face. Have a nice life, biotch." I picked up my bag and began to walk away, Sasha, Jamie and Leigh following me, all of them sniggering but trying to hide it. "Never judge a book by it's cover... doll-face!" I yelled over my shoulder, waving behind me as I walked towards MacDonald's with the girls. It was a tradition for us to eat there before we boarded the school coach to go back to school.

We all ordered some food. Leigh order a coffee - which she needed - and a burger, Sasha got Twisty fries, Jamie ordered a big mac and I ordered my usual, large fries and a strawberry milkshake for dipping them in.

We took our food to a table and sat down. The girls finally let out the laughter they had been holding in, sprawling all over the place, clutching their sides and shaking madly, faces turning red.

"S-sam... yo-o-ou are m-my frig-g-gen HERO!" Sasha choked out through laughter. "That was... AMAZING!"

I bowed from the waist before taking the lid off my strawberry shake and putting a little bit of salt on my fries. I dipped one into my shake and popped it in my mouth chewing it thoughtfully.

"You know, that could've been the start of a beautiful relationship," I sighed. Jamie stared at me funnily. "He could've been my punching bag!" I explained. "It was very satisfying to punch him."

The girls laughed harder before finishing their food.

"Ooohh... gosh," Leigh sighed, regaining her composure. "I love you Sammy. You're amazing! He was very irritating." We all agreed and began talking about our summers.

Jamie was telling us that Hugh had a new girlfriend and while she was glad that the girl made him happy she had a feeling it was going to end badly and she was scared about it. She told us how she won a skating competition and starting learning Japanese because she had gone to Japan on holidays and she loved it and she sort of had a crush on a guy there and although he spoke perfect English she wanted to be able to speak to him in his native language. Our group of friends very, very rarely ever had crushes, especially not our Jamie, so when ever one of us had a crush it was taken very seriously.

Sasha told us she had a very boring summer but she was excited because one of her favorite books was going to be made into a movie and she was allowed be an extra in it. She wouldn't stop squealing, it was very unlike her and we all laughed at her. She told us how her mom came over to visit. Her parents were split up and she lived with her father. Her mom had a new boyfriend and she thought he was nice, he bought her an awesome new skateboard, and she could tell he really liked her mom but she was afraid her mom was going to break his heart. It was all a bit much on relationships for me but they were my friends so I listened.

Leigh told us how her mom's friend's son had taught her fire poi over the summer and he was going to continue to teach her every time she was home. She showed us a video clip of her and her mom's friend's son doing fire poi. I had to admit, it was impressive. She then told us about her trip to Ireland. She said it was quite cold but she loved it. She said the irish were so cute and they all had funny little accents. Ireland was beautiful, according to her but her dad embarrassed her by trying to speak irish to a person in a store who turned out to be dyslexic and never learned Irish in school. He found out that English was their native language the embarrassing way. Apparently her sister spent one hundred euro on a shopping spree, which was something like a hundred and sixty dollars or something, and got in loads of trouble and how her big brother got himself a girlfriend from Dublin.

I told them about horse riding with my brother, Gareth, about how I went to the gym with Keith and tried to do some of the moves he does and failed miserably and had to put up with his teasing the whole summer, how I played football with Harvey almost every day and his friends all liked me, I felt like one of the guys. They all wished I went to the public school as much as I did. I told them about how I woke every morning to Andrew trying to steal one of my bras to give to his creepy perverted friends, to which Jamie cried, 'you shoulda' just flashed them and freaked 'em out!'. I told them about my trip to Italy to visit all my relatives as my mother is Italian. I found my Italian was a bit rusty but after a day it was up to scratch again. It was fun but I thought I gained ten pounds. But I made sure I burned them off on the tread mill at home.

We decided then that we should get on the coach, sadly, saying goodbye to our left over food, throwing it in the trash.

We all linked arms and walked out of MacDonald's towards the last school coach, doing the monkey walk, tripping and falling over our bags on the way. We all were laughing hysterically by the time we reached the bottom of the bus.

"Le mie ragazze, quanto l'amo! I ragazzi possono essere persi." I sighed to my friends happily. They all hugged me although only Leigh knew what I was saying, as she had learned Italian when an Italian student was staying over at their house.

We put our bags away before getting on the bus full of squealing girls.

"Finally girls! You're here! You're late!" Ms. Finnagan, a worrisome teacher at our school scolded. "Sit down! Sit down!"

The back row was empty as usual as it went without saying that we would take them, there was still a free seat but no one wanted to sit with us. We walked back there, screaming Get It Up by Mindless Self Indulgence just to annoy Ms. Finnagan but I think she was too used to it for it to upset her as she ushered us to the back of the bus.

Much to our shock, there was a person sitting at the back row, by the window. She looked like a loner and emo and a little manly. She also looked like she was abused. It wasn't until we were right at the seats did we find out who it really was.

"What. The hell!" I exclaimed. "What are YOU doing here? This bus goes to St. Tristan's GIRLS school!"

He looked up at me, glaring, a bruise formed on his face. A broken nose. I was glad.

"Not anymore, I'm going there now. I thought it was an all boys school." He growled. "it seems plausible if you're going to that school."

"Jack! GET OUT OF OUR PLACE!" I screeched.

"There's no where else to sit," he hissed.

Sasha wanted things calm and I could tell, she sat down at the opposite window. Jamie and Leigh sat down too. I huffed being forced to sit down next to him.

"I don't like this anymore than you do, doll-face," The Ass-wipe murmured.

"The name's SAM, Samantha to YOU Jack!" I hissed back.

"Sam, please don't fight on the way to school, PLEASE," Sasha begged. I decided to let Sasha have her way. but only because she was my friend.

"Fine," I said before mumbling, "Dovrò sedere appena vicino al pollo di diavolo sé. L'odio. È vigliacco che può fottere appena sé. Spero che marcisce nell'inferno. Non ci è maniera sono piacevole a lui."

"SAM!" Leigh exclaimed.

"What!?" I cried too innocently. Sasha threw me a dirty look. She knew what one word meant. I taught her a few swear words in Italian.

Here goes my new life in hell... I thought to myself putting in my ear phones and letting music take me to another worlds.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you want to know what Sam is saying go to it's pretty good. that's what I used when I was learning Italian.
It's a little bit of a filler at the center but, hey! I got to the point!
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