Status: Em I Sometimes Get Writers Block And Am Writing Three Stories But I'll Update As Often As Possible

You'll Never Know Just How Much I Hate You


Finally we had registered, laughing at the Ass-Wipes frustration with the secretary. Actually, it was more like shrieking maniacally. I think we rolled round on the floor a bit we were laughing so hard. Oh well, his fault for being an ass-wipe.

We had all been assigned our rooms and Jamie, Sasha, Leigh and I were all in the same room as usual in room 115. We each had a key and raced each other to our room. The first two there had to share a room and they got to choose which one they got.

"Okay, on you're marks, get set.... GO!" Jamie had shouted before we all sprinted down the hallway from the main lobby, our bags dragging behind us like they might never catch up. We were destroying our arms most likely but we didn't care.

I was in the lead and extremely proud of that fact but Jamie was catching up with me. The rules in room choosing races are, there are no rules. I shoved her with my shoulder and took off faster, knocking over two freshmen who were look very startled. Sasha dropped her bags and had to stop and pick them up, falling behind. I was the first one to the elevator but it was packed full of freshmen and juniors. I panicked for a moment, 'frick, frick, frick!' was all that was running through my mind. I turned and sprinted up the stairs before Jamie and Sasha managed to shove themselves into the elevator. Leigh sprinted faster to catch up with me as we pounded our way up the stairs, knocking over a trio of rather disgruntled seniors. Leigh was catching up and fast and I couldn't risk her beating me in case she ended up coming close to second so I shoved her bag backwards sending it tumbling down the stairs.

"Ooh! I HATE you, Samantha Knowles!" Leigh screamed at me as she ran back down the stairs.

I didn't have time to stop, pushing my legs harder as I ran up the last flight of stairs, my breathing heavy and ragged. I heard a ding of the elevator and shrieked in anger and desperation, pushing myself again harder once more. Finally, bursting forth, I broke out onto the second floor looking at the door straight away as Sasha and Jamie struggled to break through the other school girls, failing miserably. I looked at the door straight ahead. It read 84 the one to it's right read 83 and the one to it's left read 85. I turned left and sprinted down the hall just to see Jamie shove Sasha back into the elevator, pressing the B button for the basement and running away before the door closed locking Sasha in it. She ran behind me, nearly catching up. Whoever got to the room first got to choose which bed and set of drawers they got. We were starting to slow down and our breathing was echoing loudly down the hallways as other students stared at us weirdly. We must've looked pretty insane. Most of the didn't seem surprised except for the freshmen. They seemed pretty startled, their eyes frozen wide. Poor children.

Finally we got to the rooms in the hundreds and I spotted our door and pushed myself harder one last time, my key at the ready, my bags severely injured and bruised. Nothing that couldn't be fixed though. That final burst pushed me ahead of Jamie and I got to the door first, flinging it open and sighing in relief as I ran into the living room. I threw myself onto the couch, lying there, dying and panting, sweat dripping off me. I had won! And I was going to be sharing a room with Jamie which was awesome. I had only shared a room with Sasha and Leigh. Sasha was cool but she was quiet when you wanted to talk and as much as Leigh and I loved each other we could NOT share a room with each other. We had nearly killed each other the year before.

Jamie came in after me, dropping her bags on top of mine and throwing herself on top of me, winding me.

"Jamie," I mumbled into the back of her head.

"Mmm.... yeah?" She sighed, sounding very sleepy.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"...sure... what is it?"

"Emm.... would you mind possibly GETTING OFF ME?" I asked her.

There was a silence.

"NOW, Jamie."

Another pause.

"yeah, okay," she moaned, rolling off me, face first onto the floor. Just then, Sasha stumbled through the door. She grimaced at the sight of us lolled out all over the room.

"Damn..." She groaned in defeat. "Who got here first?"

"Fffmmm dwiihh," came from Jamie.

"Thanks for the info that you're on the floor James, but who came first?" Sasha asked. We sometimes called Jamie, James, when we want to use something that seems more like a full name when we're giving out to her.

"I did," i breathed, sitting up finally, feeling in urgent need of a shower. I didn't mind mud, I didn't mind hay, I didn't mind sand, I didn't mind goo but I could NOT stand being covered in sweat.

Leigh stumbled in the door.

"Fuck's sake!" She shouted, panting and slamming the door after.

We all laughed and I patted the couch as I stood up.

"Right Jamie! Let us choose our room! And let ME choose my new bed!" I winked at Leigh and she scowled at me.

"Help me up," Jamie moaned. I sighed and grabbed her arm, picking her up.

Finally, after half an hour of debating we had decided on the bigger room because it had the stereo and I got the double bed and the oak chest of drawers. Jamie got the vanity dresser though. I didn't care.

Leigh and Sasha and happily disappeared into their room and Jamie had fallen asleep almost immediately on her bed. I had taken a shower and then taken out my laptop to talk to my brothers that were online. I felt so lonely for no apparent reason. I was only one or two states over but still... I was kind of jealous, they had two whole weeks of summer left. My school wanted us to be there early so everyone could be there at least a week before the school started so everyone could settle in.

I was surprised to see that Gareth was the one online.

Hey Sam, how are you? How's school? How are the other girls? Gareth xo His email read. He only ever gave a kiss and a hug at the end of each email to me because I was his little sister.

Hey Gareth, things are okay. I miss you all. The girls are all doing grand we're all having fun. I was the first to the room so I have the best room and bed and dresser! I'm sharing with Jamie finally this year. I have some shocking news. There's a DUDE in the school! His name is jack but I have re-named him the Ass-Wipe because I hate him. I broke his nose intentionally at the airport. Aren't you proud? S4M

I snapped my laptop shut, waiting for a reply and decided I would go down to the lobby for a drink. As soon as I walked out the door I got THE fright of my life. Who was standing there but the Ass-Wipe.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" We both shrieked at the same time.

"What are you DOING here?" I shouted.

"What are YOU doing here?" He shouted back.

"Standing outside my room!" I yelled. His face paled, making his broken nose even more prominent, it was obvious he was on his way to the nurse.

"You're telling me you're in room 115?" He whispered.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, nervous now.

"No, no, no, no, no!" He groaned, pressing the balls of his hands to his temples. "This can't be happening to me!"

"What?" I demanded.

"I'm in room 116," he groaned. Now my face paled.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shrieked. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FREAK!" I punched him in the stomach and ran back into our room in shock. This could NOT be happening to me. No way in HELL could this be happening to me. The Ass-Wipe could NOT be in the room next to me. I was freaking out.

I went to my laptop and opened it up. There was no reply yet.

Oh my goodness. Guess who I found out is in the room next to me?! The Ass-Wipe! Jack! My life is over... S4M I sent the email to Gareth. I snapped my laptop shut again and forced myself to breath deeply.

'Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't freak out,' I told myself repeatedly. It didn't work. Five minutes later there was a vibrating in my pocket. I pulled out my cell phone to see I was getting a call from Keith. 'Keep yourself cool, Sam, keep yourself cool' I reminded myself.

"Hello?" I asked, knowing it would be Keith.

"Sam." His voice sounded dark and menacing.

"Yes, Keith?"

"We're coming down." This confused me. He was sounding pretty dangerous.

"Huh? Who's we? Why are you coming down? Coming down to where? And why? Keith? Keith?"

"We'll be there in five hours."

Then there was a tone as he hung up. Ooohh crap...
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!!! update!! Sorry it took so long... but like... i was having a few issues at some and nearly got my head bit off doing this one so like sorry...
It's kind of bad but I hope you enjoy!!
Hurray for updates!!
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N14Mh... (hee hee I did what Sam does!!) xxoo