Status: Em I Sometimes Get Writers Block And Am Writing Three Stories But I'll Update As Often As Possible

You'll Never Know Just How Much I Hate You

I'll Never Escape

I was going crazy. I had absolutely NO idea what in God's name I should do. What was going on? Keith's phone call had made absolutely NO sense to me what so ever. Did he mean he was coming to the school? And who was this 'we' he spoke of?
I was sitting on the couch in the living room when Jamie walked out of our room, her hair spiked and messy.
"Hey Sam," she croaked, squinting her eyes against the sunlight in the room streaming in from the window.
"Hey Jamie," I whispered, lost in my own thoughts and worries. Jamie walked over and threw herself onto the couch next to me.
"What's wrong?" She asked, sleep still heavy in her voice.
"Jack," I breathed, still in shock. It was bad enough that Jack was the biggest jerk in the world without him going to our school and especially with him in next door to us. I wanted to rip my hair out. And what was Keith up to?
"What's wrong?" Jamie repeated.
"He's... he's in room 116," I mumbled, almost not able to believe it myself. I found myself suddenly seething with rage. How DARE he come here? How DARE he be a bitch? How DARE he mess up MY life?!
"DAMMIT!" I shrieked suddenly, jumping off the couch and kicking my bag which was still in the living room. "HOW DARE HE COME HERE!? How DARE he!" I ran across the room, about to punch the wall. I could only see red.
Suddenly there was a presence right by me and I was reefed away from the wall before I could complain. A hard fist it my jaw and low thwack resounded in the room. I looked up, startled, my anger derailed, to see Sasha glaring at me.
"What?" I demanded.
"No holes in the walls of THIS dorm room please," she stated.
"But Sam! What's going on?" Jamie demanded, the sleep gone from her eyes and voice but not from her hair.
We were interrupted when Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Hero's came from my phone, much to my embarrassment, rather than show that I was embarrassed, I pulled my cell out as fast as I could and answered it. I knew who it would be. I had been two hours since Keith had last called me.
"Hey Keith," I sighed.
Much to my surprise it wasn't Keith that replied.
"Hey Sam, it's not Keith," Harvey replied. I sighed again, this time in relief. At least Harvey would answer my questions and keep a cool head.
"Harv," I sighed. "Just tell me. What's going on?"
"Erm, I don't know if Keith or Gareth want me to tell you yet..." Harvey replied, cautiously.
"Tell me." I said flatly.
"Well, Keith and Gareth and I well... we're kind of worried about this guy in the school and, to be honest, we don't trust him. We weren't going to do anything until we found out he had the room next to you. And now..."
"Wait. Weren't? Tell me what you're doing. Tell me NOW Harvey Knowles or SO help me..." I growled.
"Okay! Okay!" Harvey cried. "We're your big brother's! You're our only sister! We wanted to protect you... we just got off a plane and are about to flag down a taxi to get to your school... Don't kill me."
"HARVEY!" I shrieked.
"Gotta-go-Sam-love-you-bye!" Harvey said fast as he possibly could before hanging up. I shrieked in anger and threw my phone against the couch.
"What's wrong?" Leigh asked, emerging from her room.
"I hate them! I hate them! I HATE them!" I shrieked, kicking the couch repeatedly.
"Sam! Sam! SAM!" Jamie shouted, calming me down. "Tell us what's gone wrong."
"Keith, Gareth and Harvey are coming now, they don't trust me in a school with ONE guy!" I shouted, running into my room and slamming the door, throwing myself face first onto my bed.
How could they DO that to me? They of ALL people should know I would NEVER do anything with a guy... I mean, it's not like I was girlie, why would anything happen there? Why couldn't they TRUST me? Let me deal with my grudges in my own way? The worst that could happen is that I get in a fight with the guy, I mean, it's not like anything else COULD happen! It just really upset me that they couldn't trust me. I had done NOTHING to loss their trust either.
Finally when I had simmered myself down again I grabbed my skate board and walked out of the room, startling the girls. When they saw my skateboard tucked under my arm, Leigh got up excitedly, ready to start shredding some school grounds but Sasha knew I wanted to be alone and stopped her.
I ran down all the flights of stairs at top speed and jogged out of the main lobby and outside, and began to grind some concrete.


It was two hours later and I had some how ended up back in front of the dorm building. I was exhausted from all the skating and running I had down and I was red faced, sweaty and panting. I just wanted to get inside and relax, go to my room, ignore the Ass-Wipe if I saw him, and take a nap.
To my horror, a taxi pulled up outside the building with three big silhouettes in it that seemed rather cramped in the small car.
Of course it was my brothers, who else could it be? I tried to sneek away into the building before they saw me but it was too late as they all opened the doors and got out, stretching to their full, tall height.
"Hey! Hey Sam! Over here!" Gareth called out. I flinched and froze, slowly but surely turning round.
There were all my older brothers, smiling and waving, holding a bag each as the taxi drove off. And that was when I knew they wouldn't be leaving until they absolutely had to and my heart dropped.
Here's to the start of a new year.
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Hee hee! Another bad chapter but oh well! I have an english essay to do now...
I would love to thank my FAAAAAVVVORRRIIIITTTTEEEEEEEEEE people EVER who are making me want to update SOO often and making me feel soooo warm and fuzzy inside.
So please, a big round of applause for Suicidal_Emotions and kcshea !!! I love you both sooo much!!
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Please enjoy!! I hope it's alright ;)