Status: Em I Sometimes Get Writers Block And Am Writing Three Stories But I'll Update As Often As Possible

You'll Never Know Just How Much I Hate You

Life: OVER

A loud cheer came from the sofa and gritted my teeth in the effort to avoid looking in that general direction to see what was happening on the TV. I hunched forward and paced backwards and forwards, my hands clasped behind my back. There was a tightness in my back where the antiseptic gauze was placed over the cut on my back. It wasn't a serious injury but I needed to keep it clean and there was a possibility of scarring. Keith felt bad but I didn't.
I continued pacing.
There was another loud cheer and I couldn't help but throw a glance over to my brothers all sitting on the sofa. Keith was sprawled out on the right side of the couch with a root beer in his hand cheering for the Cowboys, Harvey was sitting next to him, leaning forward in anticipation of every player's move being a football player himself he always thought it would help him to be a better player. Gareth, oh, Gareth was sitting on the left side of the couch sitting normally and switching his attention between the TV screen and the girl sitting at his feet asking him questions on literature. Sasha.
Oh, Sasha.
She was sitting at Gareth's feet like a loyal puppy, looking up at him with her big, dark eyes wide. She was pretending to read Wuthering Heights when Gareth went back to watching the football game but she wasn't a good actress.
Of all people for her to have a crush on, why him? WHY my big brother? WHY Gareth? Of course, she hadn't admitted she likes him yet. She wouldn't. Not for a while. But I would know better. I could see right through her.
"Sam, come sit down and watch the game!"
I growled at Keith and continued pacing, wondering when Jamie and Leigh would come back with the Chinese food we had ordered. I needed food to think about what I needed to do about my brothers and Sasha.
My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I answered it. It was Leigh.
"Hey, Samantha?"
"Jamie and I are a bit delayed. The taxi got stuck in a traffic jam." My stomach growled audibly.
"How much longer?"
"About forty minutes." I grunted. I couldn't last that long.
"Fine. Bye." I hung up and my stomach growled again. Shouting at me. Giving out to me for feeding it so little today. Toast and french fries were not enough to sustain me for an entire day.
I glance over at Sasha wondering should I leave her with Gareth and the grumbling of my stomach told me that I should. My main problem was completely forgotten.
I walked out of the door, feeling around in my pocket for change to make sure I had enough for the vending machines, wearing a shirt this time, a grey hoody covering it too in case someone could see the bulky dressing over my cut and asked me about it.
As I walked down the hall, rooting deep into my pocket I thought of many ways I could escape my new hell, which was several grades worse than the one before. It ended with me finding a fire breathing dragon, burning down the school, massacring everyone who's ever been horrible to me then flying off to Isengard to join Stryder, Legolas, Gimili and Gandalf in an attempt to help Frodo to get to Mordor and destroy the Ring.
It was then that I realized I had too much time on my hands. Far too much of it.
I got to the vending machine and and decided I was in the mood for Reese's. I took the change out of my pocket and slipped in the money, quarter by quarter. Just as I was about to put the last coin in, it slipped out of my fingers and onto the floor and rolled a few feet away from me. I bent over to pick it up just to see it had landed at someones black, spider web van -clad feet. I looked up as I slowly returned to standing. Jack.
He was looking down at me with an even more annoying smirk than usual. I was proud to see a bandage over his bruised nose.
"Hey doll-face." I gritted my teeth and and closed my eyes, counting to ten in my head. Not this again. "Here, let me get that for you" He took the quarter from my hand and put it in the machine. It made some clunking noises and I heard the candy fall. Slowly, I turned to get it. He grabbed my arm and stopped me.
"Aren't you going to say thank you?" He asked. "I'm being nice, doll-face." I mentally gagged at the nickname he seems to have given me. I could feel the anger bubbling in my chest, begging to be released. I just wanted to punch this mo-fo in the face, SO bad.
"No." I said through my teeth. "I am NOT going to thank you. All you did was take my quarter from me."
"Well then, I guess this is MY candy then." He snapped, anger showing on his bruised face. The plaster on his nose was like a trophy to me. I loved it. I loved seeing it. I wanted a new one, another one.
He reached down and snatched the candy before walking off down the hall. I was so angry I was frozen in place for a second.
How DARE the Ass-wipe steal MY fucking candy bar? HOW FUCKING DARE HE?! That was MY God-damn money and MY God-damn food and I'M The one stressed out and practically perishing from hunger! That absolute CUNT!
Before I knew it I had sprung after him, anger-fueled adrenaline running through my veins. He turned around mid-bite and saw me, fear swept across his face momentarily.
"Oh shit," he said. Then he turned and sprinted. This made me angrier. He's such a tool that he can't even face me? He's a guy! He can take me! I'm ONLY a girl after all. Aren't girls meant to be physically weaker? Why should he run? Why is he being such a FUCKING coward that he can't stand up and face a girl who is smaller than him?
I pushed myself harder, running faster. I was ready to kill this hoe.
He ran up a flight of stairs and I gained on him. He saw that and panicked, bursting out onto the next floor and startling some senior girls who then began to whisper about a boy being in the school. I'm fairly certain I saw them roll their eyes when they saw he was running away from me.
He jumped into the elevator, shoving two freshman, a junior and a sophomore out of the elevator and pressing the close door button, the doors closing in my face just as I got to them. I'm almost certain I must've looked like a crazed shark on a feeding frenzy, but I didn't care. I was PISSED OF with the Ass-wipe and his big-ass smirk and his fucking emo fringe and his 'I'm so hot' attitude. The elevator was going back down so I ran down the flight of steps as fast as I could, practically falling down most of them. He got off the elevator on our floor and when he heard me running down the stairs he sprinted down the hallway. I pushed myself harder than even when I was racing Jamie and ran after him, surprising myself with my speed.
This guy stole my candy. This asshole was going DOWN.
Finally, just outside our door I caught him, by his collar and I shrieked a cheer of exultation, ready to beat the shit out of him. And enjoy it.
My door burst open to reveal Keith, Gareth and Harvey. Gareth automatically grabbed my and held me, pinning my arms behind my back like he did when I lost my temper with Andrew. Keith stood between us with his arms stretched out between us. I struggled against Gareth but failed.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Harvey said. "What's going on?"
"That crazy bitch tried to attack me!" The Ass-wipe gasped, clutching a stitch in his side. I growled at him.
"Sammy... Is this the boy you were talking about in your email?" Gareth asked me.
"Yes." I spat. Wanting to gouge his eye balls out.
"You broke his nose?" Harvey asked. To someone who didn't know him he appeared shocked but I could tell that he was proud.
"Yes!" The Ass-wipe shouted. "For no fucking reason! And now she's attacking me."
"Listen, I don't trust you with my baby sister," Keith said in a dark, menacing tone. "But," God i hate buts. "Sammy, I love you but you DO over-react. What happened?"
"That - That pice of SHIT stole my candy!" I shrieked. Struggling against Gareth who continued restraining me.
"Only to tease her!" He shouted. Clearly panicked. He WAS surrounded by big, physically imposing males who were all very protective of me. "I didn't mean anything by it!" He dug in his pocket and threw it at Harvey's chest, who proceeded to catch it.
"Okay. That's okay. He's given it back. See, Sammy? It's all okay. You can go. Sorry to disturb you." Keith said, shoving Jack's chest lightly.
"What?!" I shrieked, my brothers being the ultimate disappointment. "You're just going to let that GOBSHITE away?!"
"Sammy!" Keith snapped. "Stop it." I sighed, resigned and relaxing. I wasn't going to get to hurt him today. Not today.
"Fine." I grumbled. "Sorry." The word burned my throat and was physically painful to say but I had no other option. Gareth let go of me and as my brothers walked into my dorm room the Ass-wipe turned around once more, his arrogant smirk back, more arrogant than ever.
I stopped and stared. He seemed to be smirking too low. At my chest. You couldn't really see it too well cause of my hoody but it was there and he was looking there.
"You know..." He said. He DID know the door was still open right? My brothers COULD hear him. "I would've never believed you were stacked. Just as well you are. More fun. Nice bra by the way. You should get a a lacy one. More fun for next time your friends rip your shirt off."
I gasped and flushed. He saw. I was too embarrassed to say anything and frozen and by the time I got over my embarrassment enough for it to turn to rage, Harvey flew out the door at lightening speed and jumped at Jack.

♠ ♠ ♠
DDD: I am SO sorry it's taken me SO long to write the next chapter! I had SO much writers block and school was making me SO busy! And then every time I stopped getting writers block and tried to write it my computer would crash and delete it all Dx
But it is up now and I hope you enjoy it!! Love to all my subscribers if you don't hate me for leaving it so long... :(
Read, rate, enjoy, subscribe :)
From Niamh.,,
With love xx