The Story With No Name


There is one class left until lunch. Until Remus would slip Malfoy the Amortentia. I just can’t wait to see what’ll happen. But right now I have to pay attention to Professor Flitwick. Flitwick is rambling about something I don’t care about, I was more amused at how many thick hard cover books he needed to stand on to see the class, with a tap on Sirius’ shoulder I pointed this out. Causing him to snicker, evidently this caused Flitwick to stop his droning and turned his attention to us – thanks a lot Padfoot. “What may I ask do you find so amusing Mr. Black that you have to rudely interrupt my class, hmmmmm?” Flitwick squeaked out at Sirius, causing him to double over in stomach cramping laughter. Which so confused me as I didn’t think that the amount of books was that funny. That’s until I saw a smug expression from greasy Snivillius. I realized that he’d hit Sirius with a strong laughing charm. So silently my arm drifted down into my lap where I pointed a finger towards Sirius and muttered the counter curse, which relieved Sirius from his back breaking laughter. Too face Flitwick, who was by now fuming and Sirius’ answer didn’t help matters either.

“Umm, actually I don’t know.” He says lamely scratching his head, confused.

I heard snickering coming from Snivillius. I stopped him with a death glare that could have wiped out a whole city. He. was. going. to. pay. BIGTIME.

As Flitwick yelled at Sirius I was planning revenge on Snivillius. I was planning to catch him off guard and maybe zap him with a vanishing charm or hmmm slip some Love Potion into his pumpkin Juice and set him on a guy hmmm I got it, set him on Malfoy. This one is going to be difficult; I may need James’ help with this one. –insertmanicallaugh-

Everyone turned to me I wasn’t sure why until I realized I was laughing, Shit, I thought I was only doing that in my head. How am I going to get out of this one?