I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

Not Thinking Straight

I walked out of the house and called Teena. I missed her and I hadn't seen her since the beginning of school. The phone rang 3 times before her answering machiene went off.

Sorry, can't get to you right now. Leave a message only if you guarentee that it's not going to waste my time. Love ya, oh and if this is Linds, we're hanging out tomorrow. Bring your new friends."

That was so like Teena to leave a message like that. She changed her answering machiene almost every week, always getting bored of the one she had before. It didn't make any sense to me because she never had to hear it, but it was just the way Teena was. I left her a message even though I knew she wasn't expecting me too.

"T-T its Linds. So we're hanging out tomorrow? I'll see if Croy and Geof will come, but you know how it is, I'm not comfortable asking them to hang out yet, it's always them who ask me. So if it's just us then you're going to have to deal. Anyways I just wanted to ugh talk to you about some stuff. Get back to me."

I hung up the phone and continued to walk down the street. It wasn't long before I remembered the gazebo and started walking the way back to the house. I felt like an idiot, but who was around to see me.

"What. Are you. Doing?" I heard someone shout from behind me. So maybe there was someone who whitnessed my idiocy. I turned around and laughed a little laugh.

"Wandering?" I said not really sure what else to say.

"No, I think you were out looking for me,"

"Geof, you really need to get out of your own little world," I said jokingly and he smiled.

"Well my own little world seems to be reality, so who's the one in their own little world now?" He said walking quicker until he reached me. I hadn't realized that I had stopped walking and was waiting for him to catch up.

"Um Geof?" I said seriously this time, he stopped smiling and looked at me with a straight face.


"I was wondering you know ... well my friend wanted to hang out tomorrow with us and then Croy, but I wasn't sure if you were busy or not," I sounded so stupid now that I thought about it. I could have just asked him like a normal person.

"Anything for my lady," He joked taking the seriousness out of the conversation. "Besides if Croy's down, I'm down,"

I felt myself stop breathing and then I remembered to again. I hadn't noticed Geof watching me with an odd expression. How could I ask Geof without asking Croy first.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"I didn't ask Croy," I said and I saw a smile appear across his face.

"Was this an excuse to get me to go out with you, because you know that it would have been a yes no matter what," I punched him in the arm and he gave me a sad look.

"No, it's just. Shouldn't I have?"

"Why does it matter who you asked first?" He said confused.

"I don't know,"

"Don't tell me your falling for your brother," Geof said jokingly and even though it was a joke I couldn't think of anything to say back, because maybe I was.
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