I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

Movie Theater Maddness

"You can't say that you haven't tried one of these before!" Geof was saying to Teena and I with Croy following behind us. He seemed to be thinking about a lot of stuff. Maybe it was yesterday or maybe it was just me who was thinking too much.

"It's a pickle dipped in chocolate! As if I would try such a thing," Teena said scrunching up her face in discust. I laughed as Geof took a bite from his chocolate covered pickle, which he calls "shit on a stick" and then proceeded to shove it into Teena's mouth.

"Ew!" She screamed spitting out every bite as she pushed Geof away. She looked at me and glared and I just smiled.

"Come on guys, we're going to miss the show," We walked away from the Pickle place and Teena still had that discusted look on her face.

"I get the middle, I'm wheelin'" Geof said and everyone looked at him with wide eyes. Wheelin'?

"Buddy, you really have to work on your sayings," Croy said laughing a little. It was one of the few things he had said all day.

"I am not the only one who says wheelin'" Geof said insulted. "Wheelin' is a word used by a lot of people actually."

"I'm sure your imaginairy friends say it too," Teena said and Geof glared at her.

We walked over to the theater and paid for our tickets. We were seeing this scary movie called "Stand Still or Walk Alone," I wasn't really sure what it was about, because we let the guys choose the movie. Teena and I didn't really care what we saw, as long as it wasn't a bunch of girls dancing around topless.

"Don't worry girls, I have two arms and planty of lip to go around," Geof said putting his arms around Teena and I.

"You can keep your lips and arms to yourself, thank you," Teena said shrugging his arm away from her waist.

We were in the theater where the movie was just starting with the previews now, and there wasn't anyone at all in the theater; It was completely empty. I took a seat at the very back of the room and Had Geof on one side of me and Croy on the other. I was pretty sure Teena liked Geof, it was weird how she showed it. It was sort of unobvious, but so obvious at the same time.

"Why are we sitting at the back?" Geof said as one very large man with a bean borrito in his hand walked in. I didn't really pay attention to him at first.

"Because I hate it when people stare at my back, it bugs me," I said rolling up the sleaves of my sweater.

The movie begain to show the opening credits and then a small shack in a huge field during the night. You could hear screams coming from the house and then it stopped dead and the whole theater went silent.

"Scared yet?" I heard Geof whisper to Teena.

"As if," She said and then switched her eyes back to the tv.

It was silent for a few more seconds and that was probably the wrong time for the man beside us to let out this huge smelly fart. I started to laugh so hard because of the situation. I burried my head in my hands to control the laughter but it didn't work.

Teena was in histarics as well as Geof, and Croy was smiling so wide that you could tell he was about to burst at any second. The guy infront looked around and as if he didn't see us, farted again.

This time I couldn't control it. I burried my head into Croy's sweater so that I wouldn't seem rude. I knew it was probably strange to do something like that but I couldn't help it. I could feel Croy shaking and I looked up for a split second to see Croy laughing so hard he was tearing.

The next few minutes were all of us sitting in the back of the theater laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. I had sort of calmed down and then looked at Teena, but she triggered the laughter again and we both started to laugh again.

"Okay so, I think we should leave," I said getting up, but wobbling from being blury eyed. Croy held my back and we all left the theater. Teena and I were still trying to calm down and the guys couldn't help but laugh again as well.

"Next time we're renting out the theater Croy," Geof said once we all calmed down. I was still trying to keep myself from laughing, but it was a continuous laugh, and I just couldn't stop. Oh boy, I probably looked like an idiot.
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okay well, i saw new moon last night at like 10:00pm, first airing of it. =] so good!
But besides that there was this girl who was sitting beside me and everything finally went quiet because of all the excitement and all you heard was this girl let out a huge fart and It was at the part where edward was leaving her and I started laughing so hard I was in tears. Omg and My sister was with me and she was laughing and we couldn't stop. Omg AHA. And then Aro was just frigen hilarious in the end, he was the shit, i hate him and the rest of his clan, but he was pretty funny.
anyways sorry it's been a while, i've had a lot of homework and have been super busy this week. I'll try to write more of this story. =]