I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

Anywhere But Here

I sat in my room and thought about everything. I thought about what Cindy would do, and I thought about the way Croy reacted and wondered what was going on his mind right now. I knew that sooner or later Croy and I would have to face Cindy, but how much later?

I decided that sitting in my desk chair and thinking and wondering wasn't going to do me much good. I got off the chair and walked over to the door unsure of what was to come. I took a few seconds before opening the door.

I walked over to the stairs and stood there looking at Croy's bedroom door, wondering if he was ever going to talk to me, or come out. A few minutes passed by and I decided to just walk down the stairs and talk to Cindy.

What was I going to say to her though? Or worse, what was she going to say to me? Would she kick me out, tell me that adopting me was a mistake? I was suddenly tensed and scared. I couldn't live in a world where Croy and I weren't together. It seems impossible.

I walked over to the room Cindy was always in, and knocked lightly on the door. I was about to give up and just run up the stairs, but then the door swung open and there Cindy stood inviting me in.

I walked into her office and stood there for a second, trying to fix my breathing and stop my body from shaking. I was panicing now and hated myself for coming down the stairs. I didn't look at her face as I clutched my body, as if I was ashamed of letting her see it anymore.

Okay so she didn't see me naked, but she saw me under the covers with Croy and knew we were both naked. I didn't know what she was thinking or what she thought about me now. All I knew is that I would do anything to be anywhere but here.

Cindy walked over and sat at her desk looking up at me, but I refused to make eye contact with her. I was sort of embarresed for what happened, I mean, who wouldn't be? But the fact that she knew about Croy and I together scared me.

"I guess I should have seen it coming," She said and finally I looked at her, but in shock. Was she blaming herself for everything?

"Cindy I -"

"No, I should have known that placing a boy and a girl of the same sex in the same house would have come down to this."

I didn't talk afraid that if I did she might finally reach her anger. I just stood there awkwardly not sure what to say at all. Cindy and I weren't close, but she did a lot for me and I felt like I betrayed her.

"I just wish someone would have talked to me, let me know what was going on. You guys were supposed to get along but not in that way. I can't blame you for who you like at all, but you two are basically siblings now," I flinched at her last sentenced and a bitter taste filled my mouth.

"So what do you plan to do now?" I mumbled quietly. She didn't speak for a few minutes and when she finally did, I wished that she hadn't.

"I'm going to send Croy to live with his grandparents, so that you two can get over each other. When he comes back, you two can work like siblings," I felt myself begin to shake again, but not out of fear, out of anger.
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