I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

Were Going Off Tonight, To Kick Out Every Light

"Lindsey, you've been eating ice-cream and sitting around mopeing for way too long," Teena said whining as she walked into the room. It had been 3 weeks since I had moved out of Cindy's house and Cindy made sure to call at least once a night, but I never spoke to her.

"Teeeeeeeeena!" I whined taking another spoonful of ice-cream and shoving it in my mouth. It wasn't long before she walked over and litterally grabbed the tub of ice-cream right from my hands, making sure to take the spoon with her.

"Lindsey, I love you. And I sure as hell hope you know that and I know that you love me too. So will you please stop torturing yourself and grieving like your dog just died," She said setting the ice-cream down on her end table.

"I don't have a dog," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but your acting as if you did have one and it just flopped dead right before your eyes," I couldn't help but laugh a little tiresome laugh at her word choice of 'flopped'.

"I am not," I argued.

"You are so, and I'm sick of it. I want to see you happy again, not wasting your time sitting on my bed all day with a tub of ice-cream not even noticing how much weight you could be gaining. I'm surprized you haven't turned into a giant orange."

"Why a giant orange," I asked confused.

"It's orange sherbert isn't it?" She said pointing to the box of ice-cream. I looked at her and gave her my 'you're crazy' look. "Anyways, thats besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that you need a night of hard partying. I know you don't 'party' everyday but look I'm fed up and your ass is going out tonight. Weather it likes it or not,"

"What if it's me that doesn't like it and not just my ass?"

"Well then your both shit out of luck," She said starting to rumage through her drawers. She finally stopped and threw some jeans and a top on the bed. I looked at her skeptically.

"What are you waiting for? Put on those damn clothes," She said as she started to rumage through her drawers yet again, but this time for herself.

"I don't want to," I said stubbornly.

"You're right," She said and I sighed in relief. Going out was the last thing I wanted to do tonight. "Shower first, you stink," Now I grumbled.

"I don't want to go out tonight Teena," I whined and then hopped into the shower five minutes later after seeing her angry face. I thought she was going to beat me.

The water did feel nice once I had turned it on, and I relaxed a little bit as the water came down from the shower head, massaging my shoulders as it lightly hit them, and then trickled down my body. Maybe showering wasn't such a bad idea.

When I had finally gotten out I shivered at the coolness and wrapped a towel securely around me. I blow dried my hair and then put on some light make up. I still didn't feel like going out, but I'd rather go out then have Teena on my ass all day. Besides maybe it would be a good thing after all. Those thoughts were shoved away again by my stupidity of always thinking about Croy. I lied when I last saw him, there wasn't a way that we could be together no matter how much we wanted to, and we both knew that the second I had left.
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Short update, sorry about that but I hope you like it anyways.
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