I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

1 Tequilla, 2 Tequilla, 3 Tequilla, Floor

"Gowayyyyyyyy!" I slurred through another long island. I had given up on tequilla ... well they cut me off from it but long island was good too.

"Lindsey, you're going to kill yourself. Please just put that drink down okay?" I wasn't really paying attention to Teena very well as there was a very good looking boy. I ignored her and tried to walk in what I thought was a straight line all the way to him.

"Watch yourself girly," His tender voice said catching me before I fell.

"Sorry," I mumbled taking a step back.

"Lindsey!" I heard Teena shouting.

"God, someone getmeway from huuurrrr," I whined. Teena was pissing me off, big time.

"C'mon," The guy infront of me whispered. "I'll take you upstairs," I nodded thankful that somebody would help me escape the shouting of Teena. I stumbled through the crowd holding onto this guy I had just met.

"Hold on okay?" He said and I nodded and then he picked me up. I felt like I was flying, and I was beginning to feel a little nauseous. I didn't know what was happening and when he finally put me down, I was upstairs. I didn't even know that this club had an upstairs.

We were in a room with a bed and nice curtains. It looked sort of like a hotel room. Was that what was up here? I pondered it while he smiled at me.

"You have preeeeeety eyes!" I said excitedly.

"Thank you. You too," I fell down onto the bed and wrapped the blankets around me.

"Here I bet I can help keep you comfortable." He said.

"Okay," I said smileing smugly. I watched as he took off his shirt and pants and then got into the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and we were just laying there for a few minutes.

I felt his breath on my neck, the warmth of it mixed in with the coolness of the air and at first I sighed. He began to kiss my neck slowing moving his lips up and down my body. I felt him take off his boxers and then I started to panic.

Even though I was drunk I knew what was happening, I just didn't have the strength in me to stop him. I was almost out dead. I started to wish that I hadn't run from Teena. She was right, I should have just put the drink down.

He moved on top of me and started to undo the buttons on my shirt while keeping his lips on mine. I struggled with his grip, but I didn't have enough strength in me. So I screamed instead.

"Get off of me!" I yelled, but he didn't listen, instead he covered my mouth.

I screamed through his hand hopeing that someone would hear me and bang down the door and help me. I felt myself drifting though, deeper and deeper into unconsiousness. This was really bad.

I continued to struggle and scream, hoping that it would make things harder for him. I could feel tears coming from my eyes and screamed even louder. I don't remember ever being this scared.

"It's just sex, it'll be over before you know it. Calm down," He said tearing off my top and unclipping my bra. It got that far and then I hit my head off the headboard of the bed and fell into unconsiousness. I felt peaceful all of a sudden and I couldn't feel anything anymore.
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