I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

Bubbles Of Anger

"You doing okay?" Croy asked as soon as I got in the door. I felt like throwing him out the window. I was doing okay, and I was still being myself. I don't get why everyone feels the need to ask me if I'm okay everytime I walk through the door or leave or enter a room.

"I'm fine, Croy," I said throwing my bag down in the closet. I always kept it in there now, I don't exactly know why though. It was my school bag and I brought it in from leaving it in the limo and then remembering it when I went to meet Tyler.

"You sure? I mean you can talk to me, you know that right?" I walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool by the counter and took an apple from the fruit bowl that was sitting on it. I looked at it took a bite, swallowed and then looked at Croy.

"Yes Croy, I know that. The thing is I don't have anything to talk about with anyone." I said calmly even though I was getting slightly irritated. It was still hard to be around him, but I didn't want to disappoint Cindy and neither did Croy, so we dealt with it.

"Okay, well then, where were you today?" He said looking down at the bowl of fruit, no longer looking at me anymore. I wasn't really looking at him in the first place, but with the corner of my eye I could see what he was doing.

"I went to meet Tyler," I said easily. It's not like I was doing anything bad or making trouble for myself. I was just meeting the guy who saved me from getting raped, or maybe even being murdered. I shuddered at that last thought.

"Who's Tyler?" He asked curiously. I could already hear the taste of bitterness and jealousy on the tip of his tongue. He didn't know the name of the guy at the club? How odd. Well it makes sense though, he probably never even knew about me and that guy until he got home. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a really big thing that they closed down the club with.

"The guy who found me in the room at the club ... him." I said taking another bite of my apple. I then examined the bite marks on it. I didn't know why, but it was soothing for some odd reason.

"Oh. So you went to his house without anybody else without even knowing who you were going to end up meeting? Lindsey are you nuts? He could have been a creep. Why did you want to go there in the first place?" I felt a little bit of anger begin to bubble up inside of me.

"Because Croy, I wanted to find out what exactly happened to me. If you were me, you would have done the same thing. And you know what, it really is none of your buisness where I go and who I'm with. And for your information, he was not a creep! He was really nice, and he's someone I could probably tell everything too," I didn't know why I had such an outburst, but I couldn't help it for some reason.

"You think you have this guy all figured out? You talked to him for what? An hour, less than that? And what I meant was that you didn't know if the guy was a creep or not before you got to his house. It is my buisness by the way, because I don't want you to get hurt. I wouldn't be able to take it, and you get what I'm saying too. I can't say it, but I know you know what I mean. It's not just going to go away, I can't help how I feel okay. So don't sit there and pretend like this guy was the only person you could have talked to. You have me and Teena and Cindy. You even have Geof." I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up holding my apple and threw it right at his head. He ducked and I watched it smack the wall behind him and splatter before falling to the tiled floor. Its a good thing he moved his head.

"What the fuck, Lindsey," He said standing up. I knew he swore but he never swore at me, so that was sort of odd, but I didn't care. I was too mad for some reason.

"No Croy, it's not any of your buisness. Also, don't bring up the past and feelings and things that don't matter anymore just to guilt me into doing someone you want, okay? It doesn't matter how you feel anymore, and I don't care how you feel either" I could see the hurt on his face but I didn't stop talking. I coudn't stop. "And Tyler is the only person that knows exactly what happened, so really he was and is the only person I can talk to. And for the last fucking time, will everybody stop asking me if I'm okay," I noticed Cindy walk to the fridge, but she didn't say anything. She just sort of looked shocked.

Croy opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I didn't care though, I left the splattered apple on the floor and walked out of the kitchen. I had to use a little effort to push Croy out of the door way with my shoulder, but I made it out of the kitchen and into my room in about 1 minute.
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Love you guys... hope you like the update.