I Fell in Love With My Adoption Mom's Son... Welcome to Hell.

Happy Birthday Call

I had finished eating and I really wanted to talk to Teena. I knew her number and had programmed it into my phone, but I hadn't called her yet. I wonder what would happen when she came to get me at my old address and found out I wasn't there.

I decided that now would probably be a good time to call her, besides it was my birthday, how mad could she be. Actually, the likely hood of Teena being mad at me at all was very slim. She was the one that wanted me to have a home in the first place, probably more then anybody else.

I clicked on her name in my contacts list and pressed call. It wasn't like it was that hard to find her, she was the only person on my list aside from auto and assitance. I listened to it ring, but it only had to ring once before she answered.

"So how is it?" She sqealed into the phone. She seemed to squeal way to much, but it was all part of Teena. I didn't get what she meant, had she already gone to get me and found out?

"You know?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Yes, I mean I had to play it cool and pretend that I had no idea, but when I saw that really tall blonde women at the adoption facility and I asked what was going on once I heard your name, the women thats always at the counter. You know the one thats really old, she told me it was a surprize and that you were being adopted.

"They had to get everything set up and so that's why it only took a week and a half. I knew the whole time and you don't know how hard it was to keep a secret. I know, I know, they aren't usually supposed to tell anybody at all, but they made an exception. The women was really nice and she showed me some pictures of her son, yummy. Oh and that house, that house is HA-U-U-GE! I never knew that someone could possibly have a bigger house then me.

"The women Cindy I think it was, said I'm welcome whenever I like and she gave me the address, but I didn't want to come over right away, because I want you to get to know them. They seem stable and really nice. Oh and happy birthday!" I listened to her talk so quickly that I only caught some of her sentences.

"Thanks," I said taking a minute to process everything. I went over and sat down on the desk in my bedroom that happened to be right beside the window. The sun gleamed through it so beautifully, just like I thought it would.

Things were silent for a few minutes and I knew that Teena knew that I needed a minute. I didn't think it was totally fair to me that she met my new "mom" before I could. She got to judge her and see her and talk to her before I could. I didn't know why I was feeling like this, but I just felt envious and mad, because she got to know everything about my new life before me. I knew it was stupid but I couldn't help it.

"At least you think shes nice too, I didn't know what I was getting into," I tried to say with a funny relaxed tone.

"Do you like it though?"

"It's only been one night, besides, my new brother is cute and thats just not right," I said looking to check if the door was closed, it was. I put the phone on speaker and crossed my arms with the phone on the desk.

"Don't worry, it's not like you're expected to get used to everything right away," She said sincerely.

"I know, it's just all overwelming, but I'll call you later, and I'll talk to Cindy about you coming over. You have got to see this room that is now mine,"

"Alright, happy birthday,"

"Thanks," and then the lines were dead and I was left to sit there in my chair looking out the window. I noticed something blue, and realized that it was a pool. It was kind of exciting realizing new things about the place.
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