Not Everything Happens in Vegas, Baby.


****ok it's not Kat from Miami Ink FYI and Frank Iero is going to be on there so Watch IT!!****

Since 7:00 at Starbucks we have been hitting it off perfectly. I'm living with Gerard at his apartment that his parents are paying for. One morning Gerard it woken up by the phone ringing. He answers the phone half way awake. "Erm...Hello?"

"It's mom."


"Why are we paying for another person?"


"Who is this person and do we get to meet them sometime soon?"

"Ma I-"

"It's a girl isn't it?"



"I know but, she's waking up so I got to go."

He hangs up. "Gee."


He rests his head on my chest. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing." His hand slides up and under my top...well it's his that I "stole".

"Stop. You just woke up."

"Point being?"

"You are a horny bastard."

"Thank you and you are looking mighty fine this morning."

"What time do you need to get to school?"

"Well my first class isn't untill 4."

He goes at it again. "Stop. I'm getting breakfast."

"I've got it right here."

"You never give up do you?"


Well we all know where this is going.