I Love Him.

I Want You To Notice Me


I looked away quickly, as he looked up from scribbling away in the notebook. He tries to make it seem as though he's taking notes. He's not. He draws… and draws. His black hair hangs in his face, I stare. He doesn't notice me, no one does, but I try anyway. I'm not gorgous, or stunning. I try to be skinny. I'm not. I want to be talented, but I have no intrestes. I'm only interested in him. I try to be straight. I can't. I often wonder if he's straight. He's never really shown intrest in anyone, and no one really knows about him. I do.
I also worry that if I get the guts to confront him on my feelings, which I won't, if he'll think I'm weird. I am. People say he's a vampire. I think that's hot. Almost as hot as him. But, his beauty often distracts me from his body. The teacher's voice draws me out of my thoughts. He dismisses us to lunch, and I decide to skip. Maybe, if I look better, he'll notice me. We walk in, and I sit next to him. Slowly, pain stakenly, I wonder if he noticed I wasn't at Lunch.
He doesn't. I skip the next few days of school. His hazel orbs follow me around the whole weekend, until I arrive again on Tuesday. He turns to me, his eyes glinting.

"You haven't been here." He states, then turns away.
I think fleetingly, he's a mind reader.