I Love Him.

Just Let Me Cry


[A/N: I feel like shit for neglecting this story, all my stories. My life is spiraling downward, my life is just… a black abyss (((Does anyone else lurve that song… although… it's kinda offensive…w/e))) Uhm… no really, it is… grah, I despise immensely the… things who decided it'd be fun to raise me…parentals. *SIGH* Any who, here we are!!!}

So, I'm running, I'm running very fast. But, there's fucking headlights behind me. Because this Jersey. At midnight, and I'm very tired now. I'm sobbing, which makes it even more difficult to run. Who do I run to? My m- Linda? Uhm, obviously not. I can't even think of anyo- him? He seemed concerned… No, I just totally seizured on him. And the car stops, as I hid behind a tree.
A very thin tree, actually, I'm just sitting at the bottom, sobbing. And, a pair of shiningly concerned eyes meet mine. They're green now. Why is it that he is ubiquitous? I look into his eyes as he crouches in front of me. He's more concerned about me than Linda is. Than anyone is. So, I say the first thing that I think of.

'Have you been looking for me or something?' Here's the thing that shocks me. He smirks. He fucking, god-damned smirks!

'No, Pansy, I totally forgot about you until about five minutes ago, when I was thinking, Hey, Pansy fucking bolted on my in Social Studies, about to cry… Maybe I should go see if he's dead or something. Yeah Pansy, I just let you run around Jersey for a few hours.' He grins very grimly, and holds out his arms.

I don't know if it was this little angry rant of sarcasm that just shows someone at least would notice if I died, or if it was the smallest, yet kindest and most welcoming gesture that I've gotten in a week, that made me snap.
I just leaned forward into his expecting and awaiting arms. I rest my head into his neck and sobbed, just sobbed. My body shook and tremor and his neck became stained with tears and eyeliner.
Not once did he say 'It's okay', or 'Don't cry', he just rubbed little circles on my back with one hand. He just let me cry.

'I don't know what's wrong, or who did this, but, Pansy, I promise, you'll survive. That's right Pansy, you cry, just cry it all out.' He cooed into my ear, in that smooth voice. It ran into and around my brain like silk.

Then, I stood, and strode off, leaving him very confused to climb into his car, and drive off.