I Love Him.

..............You Don't


I'm not going to school today, I just… don't feel like it. I really, truly honestly don't. After he embraced me, acknowledged my presence like that, I'm really just done for a while. I don't feel like having to see him, and I'm sure he's with his friends laughing at me know. I hear my mother get up and leave for work, then she barges in my room.
She walks over to my bed, and grabs my arm, yanking me out of it.
'Go to school' She growls. And so, I do. I'm in no mood to argue with her, and I walk right out the door, toward the school.
'Oh, and Franklin.' I sigh and turn, hoping that I don't appear like an all to eager puppy.
'Don't come home.' Tears once again well up in my eyes, and but I turn back around, and continue toward the school. The wind whips at me face, leaving my cheeks as red as my bloodshot eyes as tears cascade down them. I quickly balled my fist and wiped away my tears with angry swipes, sniveling like a child for minute before completely regaining my composure to slump down the hallways to my classes.

Later, after the bell rang, I as shoved everything into my bag, and remembered Linda's hateful words, not that I had forgotten them. Then, of course, who's hand just happens to fall on my shoulder?
'Pansy… I…' He sighs, and closes his eyes tightly for a minute. I sigh too, and shrug so his hand falls off my shoulder.
'You're a real dickwad you know that?' He snarls, and something inside me, that locked up beast, snaps.
'You don't fucking know me, so why don't you just shove that right up your ass huh?' He looked a bit taken aback, but sighed and shook his head.
'No, I don't know you Pansy, but I can see you're upset, what's wrong?'
I think, I wanted hiom to get angry, to swear at me, and leave me crying in the hall. But, he doesn't he just stands and waits for me to tell him why I'm so moody. As I get lost in my thoughts, he speaks again.
'Pansy?' My head perks up, and I swear if I had a tail it would have wagged.
'You want to talk? Why don't we go get some coffee or something, and talk okay?' I nod, and grab my bag, as he ushers me out of the school building.
Just remember… you don't know me.