I Love Him.

Baby I


He decided we should go see a movie, as to take my mind off things. But, as it's getting closer to Christmas, and that it's 2 in the afternoon, all the movies were horrid. He bought us a large popcorn, and we headed inside theater 12. It was completely and utterly empty inside, and it was sticky. We plopped ourselves in the top row, and snuggled into he old seats.

We sat making fun of the movie, and giggling like cheerleaders. He decided we should have a game off trying to catch popcorn in our mouths. He was chucking several pieces at my face, while I sat mouth wide open. He missed, and eventually stuck two fingers and a piece of popcorn in my mouth. In my shock, I closed my mouth, trapping his fingers wetly inside. He smirked at me, then swirled his fingers around, before pulling them out and wiping them on his jeans. I sat and blinked, staring at him and chewing the popcorn slowly.

He caught wind of my deer-in-headlights-after-it's-hit-by-the-car look and started laughing. soon enough, I started laughing too. We sat there laughing, me holding my stomach, and grasping his arm. Tears blurred my vision as I laughed. And I stopped, listening to his pecuiliar laugh. He quieted as he saw me staring.

Slowly, my hand rose and my fingers gently touched the light pink blush that spread across his cheeks.

"Baby, I love the way you laugh."