I Love Him.

I did not

This chapter is for: Twilighted-Beauty. Cause she's sick and said she felt better reading the last chapter, which made me feel better. For you love.


A slightly shocked expression rested on both our faces as we registered what I had just said. He smiled, but his eyes were confused. My jaw was slack, and my eyes began to burn. I just stood, throwing popcorn and ran out again, jumping down the stairs.

'I did not just say that out loud.'

'Pansy!' he called after me. I stopped and turned, almost at the door.

'I didn't mean it like that!' I shouted, then left the theater.

I ran down the street, and relize he drove. I curse myself mentally, but keep running. After about half an hour I end up at my apartment. it's getting dark and I swear. I start trudging up the stairs, out of breathe, but as quickly as I can. I'm just a teenage, it isn’t like I live in some Beverly Hills heiress apartment. It was late, and getting more and more dangerous. I was halfway to the door when some guy opened his. The air was hazy, and he coughed, stumbling into the hall. I pressed myself against the wall and was trying to be silent. He blinked a few times, his pupils pinpricks. I withheld my breath, as he stumbled closer, one hand out, almost to my chest. My eyes burned, and I knew I had to blink. I did.

'HEY!' I froze, his friend burst from the room, then grasped his arm and yanked him inside. I leaned against the wall, my heart thumping in my chest. I fumbled to get my keys from my pocket. When I did, I had my key ready, and broke out into a run. I slammed into the door and fumbled to get the key in. I did, and quickly slammed and locked the door shut again. I crawled into bed miserably, and slept fitfully.