I Love Him.

It was only a...


I was on cloud nine the next morning. I felt like I was floating through all my classes. I practically skipped to my Social Studies class. Social Studies? I mentioned I love it right? Because he's there. I stand outside the door and calm myself, bouts of deja vue slapping me in the face. I walk in nonchalantly. We get into our partner's again, and I'm trying soo hard not to grin like an idiot.

"Uh… Pansy?" He asks slowly.

"Hey." My voice is on the verge of cracking.

He doesn't respond, but stares at me. I catch something in his eyes. Remorse. The smile slips quickly drops off my face.

'I need to talk to you.' He mutters, looking away.

I blink stupidly, and nod slowly. I give him sympathetic look.

'Gerard, I-' He holds up a hand to silence me.

'Look, it was just a kiss okay! It didn't mean anything, and I never meant it too. I know what you're thinking, and what you want, and why you did it. Just forget about it okay? I'm done with you.'

I stare at him, and he looks away, an irrated and embarrassed look on his face. The bell rings, and I walk straight out of the building, blinking back tears.

It was… only a kiss?
♠ ♠ ♠
So, tell me, who now hates him?