I Love Him.

You're My Everything.


We were flopped onto the bed, my leg over his, my chest pushing into his side, my arm holding him tightly around the stomach. He had his arm on top of mine, and he was chuckling slightly, shaking his head. My eyes snapped open slowly, and I glanced up at him.

"What?" I mumbled, nuzzling my face into his red spotted neck. He laughed again, before moving one hand to fiddle with my hair.

"You know, if your gonna be so clingy, I might have to leave." The was humor behind his voice, but I blinked in shock, then squeezed tighter to his waist.

He noticed, and moved his hand to my cheek, stroking it, and kissed my lightly on the lips.

"I won't leave Pansy, I promise. You're my everything. Besides, we already have pet names." I smiled up at him.

"I have a pet name you mean." He shrugged, but kissed me all the same.

I relaxed my grip, but snuggled into him more. He grinned, resting his hand on my waist, and sighed contently. I closed my eyes, relaxing as well.

"You know Pansy, I really like you." He moved his head to look at me, but I just kept my eyes closed, trying to sleep.

"I love you Pansy, you know that? I always have. I remember that day you skipped lunch, I was so nervous, and then you were just gone. I wanted to dance for joy in Social Studies, when they assigned us together. And then, the next day, you were late, and I knew, I just knew, it was because I scared you away. I must have looked like a rapist smirking so much. I teased you so much Pansy, and you were so irrated. You kept burying you face with your palm like you wanted to disappear into it. When you came in that say, so upset. It killed me Pansy, knowing you were hurt. When I found you, outside, crying like that, it made my heart just break. And, that morning, whne I finally got you to open up to me, I was so happy Pansy, so overjoyed. Oh, my god, I'm the reason your mom kicked you out! I'm sorry Pansy." The whole time he spoke, I listened, half asleep.

He kissed my head, wrapping his arms around my, and holding me tight. Like, he was guilty I fell head over heels with him and my mom hated me.

"I was much happier though, when I saw you dancing around and being silly, just so happy. Then, at the movies, you called me Baby, and I swear my heart stopped, Pansy. But, then you said you didn't mean it like that, and I was so sad. But, mostly I was angry, angry that I was falling for you, and you didn't even like me. So I ignored you, but I read that note, and I knew I was wrong. And, I'm so sorry Pansy, for telling you it was just a kiss. It never was, I was just scared, you know. Scared of loving you, because I still was nervous you were playing me on and would laugh about it later with your friends…" Here he paused, and I nearly laughed for thinking the same thing.

"And, then you ignored me, and I knew I had to make the first move. So, I did. And, Pansy, I've never been happier. Of course, I worried you would reject me, laugh in my face, but I tried anyway. And- Pansy, I love you." He kissed my head again.

"Merry Christmas, Pansy." He muttered, closing his eyes.

"Merry Christmas, Baby." I mumbled, back, smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter. Thanks for all you're support guys. I am going to do another story.

I'm going to be using song quotes, and it will be in the same setup as this one, but a way different plot. Any suggestions for songs would be much appriciated.