I Love Him.

If only


I quickly gather up my stuff, and jog to Social Studies. I hope to God no one sees me. I slow way down at the door, and freeze. Why am I so excited? Him. And that damn smirk. But, why embarrass myself? Maybe I should just skip. All I do is stutter and blush around him. The bell jerks me out of my thoughts, and I walk shakily into the room. I slide into my seat. The teacher mumbles something about being late, though, I was standing out there hiding for about five minutes. He looks over at me. Hands folded together, chin resting on them. He's staring at me, and I look to the door. There's no window, but it seems as if he knew. He shoves his desk into mine, and I jump a little.

I draw in a shaky breath.

"Yes." I breath out.
What am I a virgin girl? He smirks again. The rest of the class went about the same. I kept making dumb comments. I have a feeling he may not be my type. He's so cocky. Bad thoughts… I can't stay away, yet he annoys me so much. If only… If only love was easy…