I Love Him.

Face it...

I whacked my head with my palm. He grinned that sly mocking grin. I swooned.

"Now." He continued, pointing at the complicated map of lines and circles and that was to be our project poster. 'Correct me if I'm wrong,' I say to him.
'I thought project posters usually say a title, and that's it.' He took a deep breath, clearly frusterated with me.
'Pansy.' He said slowly, sighing.
'Look, we have to have a visual aid.' he smirked, glancing up through his black veil at me, brown, golden green flecked eyes stared up at me. I know he's a drawer, and painter… Did he flick paint in his eyes. I knew I was wrong when as he spoke, the large orbs changed into a whirlpool of green and brown.
'And, correct me if I'm wrong, but when you' he stressed you.
'give reports, everyone stares at you, you blush and get confused.'
He stared at me, and I blushed as my thoughts jumbled.
'I thought so. Now, when I' He stressed I, and slapping a thumb to his chest, leaning over the desk.
'Give reports, no one sees me.' I thoguht back, and realized he was right. He continued drawing, and pointing, explaining something. I tuned him out with my thoughts. I don't know why anyone would ignore him. He's gorgeous. Not hot, beautiful. He's smart too, and an amazing artist. He continued on during the class. His ideas were lazy and goofy. I was more focused. Again, I ground my palm inot my head, groaning. He just cheekily grinned.
'Aw, come on Pansy.' He grinned.
'Face it…you love me.' The bell rang, and he stalked off.