Status: Short Story

Just One More Time...

Chapter 1

Most people think my kind of lifestyle is a sure path to destruction; I beg to differ. My life has been so good, and I feel better than ever with this stuff. Who knew a little acid could go such a long way?

I was walking down the street, it was late, but some people were around. There was only one person I was looking for. I don’t even know his real name, but everyone calls him cardinal because of his red hair. He always had my fix, and I could get it for real cheap.

My hands were starting to shake, and I couldn’t keep my balance; sobriety’s a bitch. I haven’t had a fix for almost 24 hours; I couldn’t find any money again. My small salary at Newbury Comics can barely pay the bills. Being only 17 in a competitive work environment sucks, the older you are the more cash you’ll get.

I turned the corner and stuffed my hands deeper into my pockets; it was way to cold for October. I looked for Cardinal, and saw his long red hair poking out of a beanie hat. He was in his usual spot, but it took me forever to find my way, like a said; sobriety’s a bitch.

“Hey, you got it?”

“Yea, I got some. Seventy bucks and these are yours.” He had four needles.

“Seventy? Why the jacked up prices, man?”

“Cause, I need the money.” I sighed, but without another fix soon, I felt like I’d die.

“Fine, here.” I handed him the bills, but my hands were so shaky I dropped them. He picked them up, and was about to hand me the needles.

“Next time, meet me at the alley next to the diner, okay? The cops are looking into me; I need to move around.”

“Yea, just give ‘em to me.”

“Fine; pushy today…” He got a tourniquet out of his pocket and handed it to me.

“You want me to do it, you’re shaky; might miss the vein.” I nodded; I didn’t care how I got it. He grabbed my hand and pulled my farther into the alley. I pulled up my sleeve, and he wrapped the tourniquet around my arm really tight. He started pressing my veins, seeing which one was the largest.
“Just do it!”
“Do you want me to go through the vein? Just be patient.” He got out one of the needles, and tested it.

“Will you hurry up?” He gave me another look, and slid the needle into the vein. He slowly pressed down the plunger; when it was empty; he pulled it out and undid the tourniquet.
“There. I’ll see you in a few days. I’ll make sure I have more.” he handed me the tourniquet and the other three needles. I nodded, and he left.

I closed my eyes and felt that amazing feeling; my muscles started to relax, and I calmed down. I just stayed there; having that sensation that I was the strongest person on earth. It flowed through every inch of my body, making me electrified.