Status: Short Story

Just One More Time...

Chapter 2

After some more minutes of serenity, I got up and started to walk home; not really paying any attention to where I was headed. I found my way after taking numerous wrong turns. When I got to the apartment, my roommate Matt was sprawled on the couch, probably high on P.C.P.

“Hey Will… Things are just great…”

“Sure dude… if you say so.” He tried to get up, but just fell back into the couch.

“Hey, stay put. You’ll kill yourself if you start walking around.”

“This stuff’ll kill me first man… But I can’t help it; everything here is just so great.”

“I know man… I know.”

I walked off to check on the plants downstairs. I’m just another one of those people who grows weed. Things were going good down there; I had some dried and ready for whoever had the most cash. Like I said, Newbury Comics doesn’t pay enough; it’s just another source of income. I have some prescriptions too; Vicodin, Oxycotin, Percocet, and Demerol. Thinking of that, Rich will be calling soon; he’s been my most frequent customer for a while now. When I was done, I walked back upstairs and looked at Matt; he had downed a beer and some aspirin; he was out.

I decided I’d just hang out and drag this high out, so I went to lie down. Whatever Cardinal gave me was concentrated, because the ceiling was starting to bend … but it didn’t last long.

I was woken up by my cell phone ringing. I reached for it and the ID said it was Rich; it was about time.

“Hey man, what’s up?”

“Dude, I’m losing it… I need some pills. You got any?”

“Yea I got some, where are you?”

“I’m at the alley near Vinny’s; can you get here. I’m gonna die here…”

“Yea; give me some time. I’m just gonna shoot up and I’ll meet you there in a few.”

“Okay but hurry up man, I’m dying.”

“See you in a few.”

I dug through my drawers, already feeling the acid wearing off; I looked at my phone, it’s been at least 8 hours since I got it. It seemed a little quick for it to be wearing off already.

As I was digging in my drawers, I found another needle under my clothes along with my Altoid’s tin of pills. I got the tourniquet from earlier and wrapped it around my arm; I took the cover off the needle, looked for the usual vein, and slowly put the needle in. I hastily pushed down on the plunger and pulled it back out. That all too familiar feeling of relaxation came over me.

I walked down the stairs and checked on Matt; he was still out cold. He could’ve been dead, but I was way too high to even notice. I wandered my way to the alley, and found Rich pacing.

“Dude, what took you so long?”

“I’m really trippin’ Rich. What do you want?”

“Anything man, I just need a fix …”

“Here, take these.” I got out a few Vicodin, and held them out to him.

“10 a piece… there are 3 there; 30 total dude.”

“Here, take it. You’re my savior man…” He handed me the money and put the pills in his pocket. He left and I collapsed in the alley, almost too high to handle anything. I really was tripping but it didn’t matter; it felt so good. I felt so free; it was worth the money.