Status: It's basically done... Wow... I never thought I'd see the day.

Be Somewhere

Cold water for a strait-jacket case.

Danny had realized the time shortly after the stunt with the train and had run home quickly; it was almost 9:30 at night and Ricky could pretty much guarantee that Danny's father was going to kill him, or at least try to. The one boy remaining besides the filmmakers sat on the curb and breathed out deeply.

“Should you call your parents, Ricky?” Lily asked in a hushed tone. He thought in silence for a moment. His mother had left town a few days earlier; the only safety he had at that house was gone. She had taken Aggie with her; the only reason for Richard to remain sober was also gone. Should he call Richard and let him know where he was? Should he even bother going home?


“Ricky, you didn't stop home after school,” She said with a quizzical look, “won't they want to know that you're okay?” He looked at the water running through the gutters from the rain they had been having recently.

“I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret, okay?” They nodded at the chance of a little gossip. “I only spend one or two nights a week at home... if I actually do call they'll be more surprised than if I don't.”

Her silence was reply enough for him. It was better if they didn't ask too many questions too early, they had to space this out for two weeks. If he wanted everything to go according to plan; then he would have to take his sweet time in answering everything.

“We should go check on Brad. He's probably flipping out a little bit.”

“Why don't you spend the nights at your own house Ricky?”


“Why do you only sleep two nights a week at your own house?”

He stood up from the curb and glared at her. Ricky wasn't short and towered over her defiant frame. With her chin jutting out; Lily looked fierce and he knew that she meant business. He sighed but still didn't answer; all would be revealed to them in time... all of it.


A smile covered Ricky's face as he heard the gasp that was emitted from the group behind him. They were surprised to find that he had led them to a middle class house that was well known to be owned by the priest; Father Marshall. Ricky started laughing at their astounded faces, had it never occurred to them that the two were related?

Father Marshall, Brad Marshall? Did they really not see the connection? It just proved to him further that his classmates had serious mental retardation problems. He had to give them some credit though; who would have thought that a priest would produce an atheist. Well... besides the obvious answer of everyone who actually knew the priest.
Ricky didn't bother to knock on the door, he simply pulled it open and walked in. There weren't lights on that could be seen and Ricky tensed. He held the group back with his hand and whispered for them to stay there before heading forward by himself.

They heard some scuffles and some shoes sliding across the floor before Brad and a girl charge out of the room Ricky had entered into. Brad grabbed Lily and Morgan's hands while the girl grabbed Tucker's. They continued to bolt out of the house and dragged the three with them. When they were across the street Lily noticed the state that the two were in. Brad was bawling his eyes out and the girl was just staring; still dazed.
♠ ♠ ♠
to put it simply, things got screwed up
cause of my writers block and I decided
to post something short and beg for
forgiveness because of my