Status: It's basically done... Wow... I never thought I'd see the day.

Be Somewhere

Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground?

Ricky never knew when he fell asleep, but he knew for sure when he had woken up. His alarm was a swift, hard kick to the ribs that left him gasping for the breath that had deserted him.

"Get up faggot. Your mother and I have been looking for you all night," Ricky looked up to see Richard glaring at him. "WHEN I SAY GET UP I DON'T MEAN AN HOUR FROM NOW, I MEAN RIGHT NOW!" Another kick was administered.

Richard started to yell about something else. Ricky heard random curses being issued in his general direction. 'Lazy ass mother fucker' seemed to be a favorite. Everything seemed to be going dark. The pain in his ribs from the night before had been a dull throbbing. It had now escalated to a near unbearable level.

"Ricky?" Richard was looking at him with faint concern now, "Ricky, get up." He looked at Richard for a second before he started to hack and cough. Blood was sprayed all over the mud streaked leaves that Ricky was lying on. Richard's eyes expanded until it appeared that they took up half of his face.

"Ricky, are you okay?" He bit his lip to keep from screaming profanity in return. He sat up and Richard gasped.


"Bl- Bl- Blood!" he stuttered in a near whisper. Ricky touched his lips to find that they were bleeding.

"Its no big deal, I probably got hit in the face with a tree branch." He stumbled to his feet to find that the world was spinning. "Whoa, I don't feel so good." he looked down at where he had been laying. It wasn't just his lip that had been bleeding; he didn't know what else had been, but there was no way that a lip could create that much blood.

Ricky shrugged and tried his best not to wince. Excruciating jabs went through his ribcage every time he tried to move. He took a few steps forward and had to stagger back.

"Do you think I broke your ribs again?" Ricky glared at him.

"No, just caused some internal bleeding," Ricky rolled his eyes, "Stupid asshole," he muttered.

Richard nodded; still pale as a ghost. Ricky felt another wave of liquid iron cascading up his throat and around his mouth. He spit and stained the grass crimson. He would need painkillers again; god he loved those things. He shook his head.

"No," he murmured. "We quit, remember?" He closed his eyes and tried to steady the images running through his head. He was pretty sure that there weren't two Richards; and that hearing the voice of his mother wasn't normal. She wasn't there, was she?

"Richard, what did you do?" She screamed, "We have to take him to the hospital now; what is wrong with you?" If she was there; how come he couldn't see her? How come he couldn't see anything? That was the last thought that crossed his mind before the numbness washed away his consciousness.