Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter 10- Slap, Slap, Slapity.

"You guys are partners." Anna, the teacher, said while smirking. She sucks. Anna thats her name. Shes like a second mother to me. My real mom being my first, never Gloria. I tell Anna all my secrets even about... Dante. She did this on purpose.

"For what?" Dante asked.

"You guys have to draw a portrait of each other" She said, smiling at me one more time before going back to calling out partners. I sighed and got ready to draw him.

"Cant you give me a chance." He asked me.

"I'm giving you chances you're just not believing me when I tell you the truth." I told him.

"Well, how am I suppose to know? What if he is your boyfriend and you cheat on him with me?"

"I will never do that, though! I hate cheaters!"

"What if after we start dating then you break up with him. Will you cheat on me, too?"


"Once a cheater always a cheater." I had enough of this. I slapped him. Yes, you heard me right. I, Leyla Blackwood, slapped he, Dante Long'n'Dark. And hard too. I picked up my bags and left the room. I dont know where I was going but I was going somewhere.

That... That... Bastard! How dare he call me a cheater! Me of all people! A fucking cheater!! UGH!!! I just want to...UGH!!! I want to slap him!

No you want to kiss him

No I want to slap him

Already did that

♠ ♠ ♠
Filler Sooo sorry! I want the people reading this to let me know if I should just skip all of this, straight to the Ball, because I'm really busy with the finals and I'm only 12 so I wanna pass this(the finals).

I wanna know if you want me to do little fillers or just go straight to the ball.

Thanks for the comments:

And for the old:
meganlovesboys123 (*smiley*)

Thanks you to the 16 Subscribers, you guys mean alot!

And the 91 readers you all rock!!!!