Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter 13- Whoppssy, Stupid me

He has my ring! I can't live without it! If I tell him to give it back he'll know and hate me! Leyla thought. I have to let him know,though, I mean its my mom. Even if it means him hating me for pretending I wasn't me. Leyla sighed.

~~~~~~Monday~~~Leyla's POV~~~~~~

I ran to the cafeteria to find Faith and Xander whispering. I hid behind a tree and tried to listen

"Xander, where did you get it from?!" Faith whispered.

"I can't tell you!" Xander whispered back.

"Please! or... or else I'll tell her it was you who decided that-"

"Faith! I can't believe you!"

"What? I was only joking"


"Please tell me, Xan!!"


"He he!!" Faith exclaimed like a little girl.


"Ok ok, tell me!"

"It was his 'best friends'!"

"Well does he know?"

"I dont know..."

"We have to tell her"

"No, Faith! I have Faith in you not to tell her" Xander laughed at his own inside joke. I could practically hear Faith roll her eyes.

All I could think about was the she/her and the he/his they were talking about, though.

~~~~~Art Class~~~~~

I walked into art class and took a seat next to him... Great now I sound like Faith and Xander. Wait maybe they were talking about..... nooo it cant be.

I looked over to a shiny object on his hand and saw my mother's ring. Son of a bitch!!!!! I took a deep breath and turned towards him.

"Where did you get that?" I asked playing dumb. He looked over to me.

"A girl gave it to me" Liar!

"Really? Who?"

"This girl named Acid" He smiled.

"Ok, can I see it?"

"Sure" He took it off his hand and gave it to me, with a sad look in his eyes. I put it on my finger. He sighed, "You can keep it if you want too." I looked up at him surprised.

"Really?" I asked.


"Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you " I yelled. I hugged him, "You have no idea how much this means to me!" Then I did something only an idiot like me would do.

I kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, my computer's still down and my laptop is being a real bitch right now. I'm using my friends, so you guy still have to wait SORRY!!!

Ok so I kinda lost track of the comments, on whose first and whose last but... Heres what I think...

Thanks to the new comments:

Thanks to the old comments too!
meganlovesboys123 (=D)

Wow! Theres like a 10 subscriber difference since the last time I went on! COOL! Thanks to the 32 subscibers!!!

Thank to the readers which is the subscribers and commenters mixed with a whole bunch of other people but THANKS!!!

One more thing for the people who are stuck at the bottom of this page reading this. You know the one thing I dont like about some of the writers on mibba? (Sorry if you do this! Its just an opinion!) I hate it when people threaten you to comment or else they wont post another chapter. Its sometimes makes me want to stop reading just because they threated me. And I'm thinking What the fuck?If I want to comment I will comment! (And again just an opinion)