Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter 14- How'd we get from Kissing to Comic Books, I will never know

Oh my fucking god. Please someone, anyone tell me I didn't do that. God, I'm begging you. I'm pleading with all my might. Please don't tell me I did that. I looked down at my shoes.

"Dot dot dot" I said. Yes I actually said, dot dot dot. He laughed. Why is he laughing? This isn't a laughing matter!

"Yeah..." He retorted.

"Yeah... I'm just going to go now..." I told him and walked out the door. Anna was just smiling widely.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. Why'd I do that? Am I some idiot? Why yes, yes I am. Well at least I'm an idiot with my mother's ring- Oh fuck me! I forgot the ring! I must of dropped it on my way out! I'm such an idiot! Well do I go back and face embarrassment or just keep walking? No way am I going to forget my mother's ring. I should turn back

"Leyla!" I heard a distant voice call out. I turned around, "You forgot the ring!" He said

"What?" I asked

"The ring you dropped it" Dante put it back on my finger.

"Thank you, Dante" I said.

"No problem! I got enough thanks in the classroom." We both shared a laugh.

"So, Am I a good kisser or what?" I told him, jokingly.

"A very good one actually."

"Awesome now I'm like Superman but a girl!" I exclaimed while pumping my fist in the air.

"You mean supergirl?"

"No way! They make Supergirl act like such a wimp! Catwoman is so much better then Supergirl. And Shes suppose to be the bad guy in the comic books!"

"But Supergirl is so much better looking!"

"Really? Catwoman with the whole wearing tight leather and having a whip? That doesnt strike you as hot?"

"I said 'better looking' not 'hotter' "

"So what? Name something that makes Supergirl better"

"Supergirl has bigger boobs- I mean she cares more about the planet, you know?" He blushed.

"Uh-huh, well at least Catwoman is a WOMAN not a GIRL!"

"You're a girl! Not a woman. We like to call women over the age of 18 'woman' "

"Psshhhh! At least Catwoman can stay alive, Supergirl is dead! She didn't even become a Superwoman, like Lois Lane imagined! At least she passed puberty!" Dante faked gasp.

"Oh no you didnt!"

"Oh yes I did!"

"You're about to get it now!"

"Oh yeah? You and what army?!" He tackled me to the ground. Thankfully we are on grass. All of a sudden he had a mischievous look on his face. Then it clicked.

"Dante.. Dont you dare"

"What ever do you mean, Oh sweet sweet Leyla"

"Dont you dare, Dante" But it was to late. I was tickled to death. Well not to death but enough to make me want, key word want, to pee my pants.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy! I'm back!!! YAY! So I'm going to be able to finish up this story. Sorry if I'm hyper. I drank, like, 1liter of soda and 2 bags of Doritos. Oh and some candy. =)

Thanks to the commenters:

Thanks to the old also!:
xSimplyxMadxHatterx (=D)
vampgirl100 (Awesome!)

Thanks to the 33 subscribers! You guys are awesome too!!

And another Thanks to the readers! All 174! AWESOME! YAY!