Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter15- Jay, What the *** do you think you're doing?

~~~~2 Days After, After School~~~~

I feel like me and Dante got closer over the past couple of days. I think I like him... no. Iknow I like him... a lot.... a lot a lot. I just might be in love with him. Right now, I'm walking towards his house. We have a 'study date', but I don't understand why. We both have A's or B's in all subjects. We don't need to study. Anyways, I think today's going to be the day I'm going to tell him the I like him, a lot. I'm suppose to be cleaning Jay's room actually. She out at some guys house and she want me to clean it. Xander and Faith were such sweethearts that they convinced me to let them clean it. I dont deserve them.

I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I sighed. I grabbed the handle and turned it. It opened. I walked inside.

"Dante?" I whispered just in case there was a murderer or something inside. I stepped into the living room to see,

Jay with her shirt and pants off. Her hands were on Dante's belt buckle. Dante had his shirt off and his pants on. His hands were pushing her away but my mind didnt let me think that through.

"Oh my fucking god" I stated. Jay looked at me and smirked. She grabbed Dante's face and full on kissed him. He was still trying to push her away.

"My eyes, they burn! Help! Help me!!!" I yelled, dramatically. I know you're probably thinking 'What the fuck?' or 'Why is she acting like this?'. To tell you the truth my heart felt like it was ripped apart and chewed on like a dog with a bone, but I didnt let them see that. I couldn't show weakness. I just couldn't.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Dante tried to explain. Of course. The line that pretty much says 'This is totally what it looks like but I need to tell you why we ended up like this'.

"Ok. You're right. It doesn't look like you guys were about to fuck." I said sarcastically.

"What are you doing here? Danntteee! I thought you said no one was coming?" Jay screeched. Then it clicked. She planed this. Dante would never forget something. I learned that over the part couple of days. He hated forgetting something. He would always keep a journal for what to do on days. Plus, Dante reminded me during 6th period that we would have the whole house to ourselves when I got here. She's an evil bitch.

"Oh I'm here Gloria told me to come get you because.... We are having a dinner party." I lied. The dinner party was true, though.

"But I thought we-" Dante stopped talking when I sent him an intense look.

"Oh ok, I'll be right back, D" She walked out of the room and up the stairs. Once she was out of sight, I burst into giggles.

"You... Her.... Stuck....Oh my god!!... That... was... fucking... hilarious!!!" I said in between giggles. He stared at me confused.

"What? You aren't mad" He asked. I stopped laughing.

"You think I'm not mad? You think I'm all happy and laughing all the time?!" I told him. I was furious, how dare he say that?, "I'm furious! I feel like I got my heart ripped out! You dont know the pain I had when I saw you two! And to think I was actually coming over here to tell you I just might be in love you! Ugh you're a bastard, you know that?!"

"You're in love with me?" He asked. Great. Out of that whole rant, that's the part he heard.

"I said might"

"You're in love with me?" He pressed as a wide smile grew on his face.

"Fine! Yes I, Leyla Blackwood, am in love with you, Dante Long'n'Dark." I gasped. I can't believe I said it, and meant it. He smiled.

"I, Dante Long'n'Dark, am in love with you, Leyla Blackwood, too" I smiled.

"Is this that corny scene where the two people kiss?" I asked.

"I think so." And guess what we did? Well duh.

We kissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this chapter. It's my favorite of all time. It's pretty corny, but whatever.

Thanks to the comments!

And to the old!
ThtDramaticGirl (Hehe)
xSimplyxMadxHatterx (=D)

Awww I lost one subscriber. We are back to 32 of them then =(

Thanks to the readers, all of them! All 195 of them! =)