Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter 16- Moving a little too fast

Well you're probably thinking; 'Yay! Happy ever after!' That's too bad. No one gets that. Here's what happened. We kissed, Yay, but it had to stop some how:

"What the fuck!?!" Jay screamed. Dante and I broke apart.

"What?" Dante asked.

"You're cheating on me?! With that?!" Ouch! Now I'm a thing?

"It's not cheating if we were never together..." Dante said slowly so she could understand.

"But!... but what about her boyfriend!" Dante looked at her like he was just remembering. Even though I dont have one.

"I dont have a boyfriend! You, May, and Gloria made sure of that!" I yelled at her, "You guys were so content on making my life a living hell! You guys even tried to make Faith and Xander hate me, with lies you make up! I'm so fucking sick of this! Of you being a fucking bitch! May trying to make this into a fucking story! And Gloria being... Gloria. She... as much as I try to deny it! She might of actually killed my father! You're mom! My step-mother! UGH! I hate you guy so much! You treat me like I'm you're fucking slave all the time, ever since he died! And I bet the only reason why she hasn't killed me, yet is because I'm your fucking slave! Well I'm tried of it! I'm tired of you making my life hell! Of May talking about how I'm fucking Cinderella! And Gloria making me into a slave! I'm tired of it" I broke down crying. A shocker. Me, crying.

Dante pulled me into him, consoling me. Jay looked at me, a look of regret on her flawless face, but the regret washed away with rage,"You know what? My mother didn't kill him! What kill him was being a father to a girl like you! You're a spoiled little brat! He hated you! I bet he regretted ever reproducing with a vile, ugly human like your mother! She was a bitch, a whore! Just like you! They both hated you so much, they got themselves killed just to stay away from you! So you know what? Fine go away, leave us! No one would care! No one would care if you died! No one!" She turned around and leave the house. I burst out into a whole new bundle of tears.

"Shh Shh, what she said is a lie. I would care. Your father would care, and your mother would definitely care if you died. She's just jealous." I laughed. He looked at me confused, "What?"

"What would she be jealous of, that I have?" I asked.

"You got two loving friends? And, of course, the handsome and awesome guy!"

"Way to be self-centered" He stuck his tongue at me.

"Come on, we have to go grab your stuff from your place" He said pulling me towards the door.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, you're staying at my place."

"Ehh, I guess, it's better then there" I joked.

"Then I guess I'm going to have to hold you captive" He said as we drove to my place.

~~~~Car Drive of talking about random stuff~~~~

"I'll be right back" I said as I got out of the car.

"I'll be waiting." I stuck to the back of the house where we left the ladder and climbed to the attic window to get in. Xander and Faith were sitting on the bed talking.

"Hey, guys!" I said as I covered my eyes with my hair so they wouldn't see I was crying. I walked into the closet and grabbed a suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Faith asked.

"I'm moving in with Dante" I replied

"Talk about moving a little too fast" Xander whispered. We all laughed.

"Well then, missy, you have explaining to do." Faith said

"Tomorrow, please, at school" I pleaded. She sighed.

"Fine" She said. I finished packing and went to the window.

"You guys coming?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah... Awesome, uh? Just kidding. I'm a little hyped up. For no reason...

A thanks to the commenters

And to the oldies:
xSimplyxMadxHatterx (=D)
ThtDramaticGirl ( ^ . ^ )

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