Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter 2- Raith and Faith with a side of Mace


I walked over to my table to see Xander and Faith at our table, without Macy...weird. Macys always the first one there. I walked over to them.

"Xander? Faith? Where is Macy?" I asked slowly because Faith seemed pissed off and Xander seemed kinda pissed off too. Faith rolled her eyes.

"Yeah Xander why dont you tell Leyla where your twin sister is?!" I fliched. Faith never called me by my real name, before. I'm getting alittle scared now.

"Shut up Fay! You dont know what your talking about!" Xander whispered the last part.

"Shes a slut and we all know it!"

"Faith!" I yelled, "Where is she?"

"Behind you" Faith stated. I turned around to see Macy lip-locking with Raith, Faith's ex-boyfriend.

"What the fuck?" I turn back, placed my food on the table but grabbed my pudding... just in case. I walked towards Macy and Raith. I pull them apart.

"What the fuck, Mace?" I asked


"It was you wasnt it?"

"What?" She asked.

"You lied about Raith cheating on Faith"

"Wait that was you?!" Raith yelled, "Its your fault! You fucking bitch!" He grabbed my pudding and smashed it all over her top.

"What the hell?!" She yelled. I slapped her, grabbed Raith's hand and went towards my table. I grabbed Faith's hand.

"You two need to talk things over." I started to walk away but stopped, "Oh and Raith!"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You owe me pudding" And I walked away.
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