Status: This is the end!

Cinderella My Ass

Chapter 7- Truth isn't the only thing that comes out

"I knew I'd find you somewhere," I heard a voice say. I jumped and turned around thinking it might of been Dante. It was Kael.

"Hey" I said softly, I wasnt ready to talk about..... anything really.

"Dantes sent everyone to look for you" Kael said looking back and forth from the bag of clothes to me.

"So hes not here?" I asked starting to walk away.

"No, he's a your place" I froze, and turned around slowly.


"He went over to your house" Shit!! Gloria thought I was at Faith's house.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I started running my ass off towards my house, knowing I would probably get there in an hour, because my house is an hour away from Dantes using a car and since the mall in half way between that, running will take... well you do the math.

I get at my house and opened the door.

"I'm home!" I yelled. I walked into the living room to see, Xander, Faith, and Dante sitting on one couch and Gloria, Jay and May sitting on the other.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"So, Dante here just told me something." Gloria began.

"Look I know-" I started.

"Let me speak!" She yelled. I flinched.

"Dante, Faith and.... this other boy told me the whole story." Gloria took in a breath and began again, " They told me how you went to Faith's house and They also told me how you two brought these boys over."

"Yeah ok thats what-"

"I'm not finish!!!"

"Then, I got a phone call from this girl, you may know, her name was... Kailee I think." She smiled wickedly. I heard footsteps and saw Kailee walking into the room from the kitchen. Shit! From the corner of my eye I saw, Faith looked surprised, Xander looked shocked, Dante's head looked down, May and Jay snickering, and Gloria looking pissed off as hell.

"Faith.... Boy.... I think you two should go" Xander and Faith walked out of the house.

"Dante, Jay, May, Leyla, Go up to the attic, while I talk to this lovely girl" We, four, walked up to my room, the attic. Dante, Jay, and May sat on the bed, and I just paced back and forth.

Jay and May were flirting with Dante. Now, I have to admit, Jay and May are very very beautiful, their brains may be as small as a peanut, but they are really pretty. I wouldn't be able to compete against them, let alone Kailee. I would lose. But then again, Dante did look uncomfortable.

I looked at the floor thinking it was really dirty. I walked to a little storage closet in the corner and took out cleaning supplies. I started scrubbing the floor. I heard footsteps and looked up. I saw Dante about to help.

"You dont have to" I stated.

"I know" But he still helped me anyways.

"Dante, I wanted to know something." May said. Dante sighed and looked up.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Will you go to the dance with me?"

"NO!" Dante said way to quickly. I smiled and giggled under my breath, "I mean I'm already taking someone, sorry" He said calmly. My smile quickly turned into a frown. I felt like my heart ripped to pieces.

"Who?!" Jay said, pissed off.

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(and the old comments still count QuietChick)

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I'm glad at least some people are reading this *smiles*