The School of Drama Queens, Stoners, and Scaredy Cats

Chapter 2

“Treasure! Get out here or we’re leaving without you!” Screeched Natasha.
I climbed down slowly, trying to take my time.
“Hurry up, you big baby!” She screamed. Gee, that was all she did these days. I remember the time, a long, long, long, long time ago when we were friends. And then she got in high school.
“Wow, we’re leaving early. I thought you’d take an hour just to get dressed.” I said. She glared at me.
“Be grateful I’m even driving you two. If it were up to me, I’d dump you guys off at the side of the road but no. Mom’s paying for the gas, so apparently I have to do what she says.” She groaned.
“I know, what’s up with that? Having to listen to the person supporting you?” I replied sarcastically. Seriously, I shouldn’t have but she got me so angry and I just couldn’t hold my tongue. It gets me in a lot of trouble these days.
“Ha ha. I’m not afraid to leave you at the side of the road.” And she would too, which is the only reason I shut up. Surprisingly, Josh was quiet through all this.
We arrived to school pretty early. Natasha kicked us out at the bottom of the hill. Our school is on this big hill. It even has the original name Hilltop Middle High School. We watched Natasha drive a few feet, stop, and pick up her boyfriend, Jeremy. No wonder she wanted to get here early. Period 0- make out session.
But that just left time- alone- to wonder around. Alone. I took a deep breath. At least my locker was in the middle school hallway, along with most of my classes. That was a plus.
I sighed in relief. My friend, Tess, was already here, trying to get into her locker which was only a few down from mine.
“Thank God you’re here. I’m so glad your locker is down here too!” Some of the stress lifted off my shoulders.
Tess smiled weakly. “Hey to you too. Unfortunately, I’m opening Yuri’s.” Yuri was sort of our third party member. She was a year younger than us but we sometimes hung out at school.
I frowned. I’d rather have Tess beside me than Yuri but it was better than nothing. Right? I hoped.
“Where’s yours?” I asked Tess as she finally pulled open her locker.
“Upstairs somewhere. I have yet to find it.” She sounded like it would be some sort of adventure. I just hoped she survived. “Knowing my luck, it will probably be in the middle of some crowded area.” I shivered at the thought.
“Well, I have to get all my stuff in my locker and then maybe I’ll meet you up there. What’s your locker number?” My voice shook. Just the thought of all those teenagers...I shuddered again.
Tess raised an eyebrow. “193. I shouldn’t take too long, then I’ll come down here. First period is down the hall any ways.” I exhaled in relief. She always had a way of making me feel not too cowardly, even though I felt I was.
She took off up the stairs, which were right by my group of lockers.”5-15-25. Not too hard of a locker combo.” I muttered to myself. I turned to Yuri. “So how was your summer?”
“Typical. We went to India though, which was nice. I got to see my grandma again. She was pretty cool, I guess. We had to stay for a month though which wasn’t so fun.” She continued to ramble on a while longer until finally Tess came down the stairs.
“My locker’s in a far corner, to which I am eternally grateful for.” She was holding a notebook with a bunch of weird decorations on it. I finally looked over my two friends. Tess had her hair in a typical ponytail and was wearing a plain blue hoodie and jeans. Typical Tess. Yuri had some intricate Indian design on her shirt and had her normal jeans on too. I had a t-shirt with my favorite band on it and some jeans. We were simple.
I nodded in agreement. The truth was her locker was supposed to be mine but when we were assigned them, we switched. She knew how terrified I was of even being up there.
“So, shall we head towards English?” I nodded slowly. I couldn’t believe she had convinced me to take Honors English with her. Especially in the morning.
“Not that I want to, but I suppose we have to. Can’t we skip?” I asked jokingly. No matter how terrified I was, I was even more scared of getting caught. The only class I had ever skipped was PE and that had been with the help of my mom.
“You know we’re afraid of getting caught. Gee, come on.” She grabbed my arm and began walking.
“Bye, Yuri! See you at lunch. Hopefully.” I called behind me, not even letting the thought of possibly having High School lunch seep into my brain.
We slowed down and headed down the hall.
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>.> It'll get better...the good part's coming!