The School of Drama Queens, Stoners, and Scaredy Cats

Chapter 3

Really, our first class of the day is Navigation. We have the class every other week or so. Luckily, out Navigation class was with our English teacher who we have first period.
We took a seat away from the group. I looked up on the board. “Mrs. Londen,” was written on the board in big letters.
You know in movies, when they show the drama teacher who’s wearing scarves and big sunglasses and looks really dramatic? Well, that’s Mrs. Londen.
“Hello, wonderful students!” She said, walking in. No, walking isn’t the right word. Sweeping in would more describe it. She had a higher pitched voice than I thought she would.
“Hello, and welcome back to what I think will be another great year!” She paused for a few seconds. “I’m Mrs. Londen. Let’s get started, shall we?” She began rambling on about rules. Same thing every year. I heard some people giggling from the back. I began to quiver.
“Okay, I think it’s about time to head to the auditorium.” Mrs. Londen said in her mouse voice.
I turned to Tess. “Why are we heading to the auditorium?” I asked, following the crowd out the door.
“Weren’t you listening? We have an assembly. You know, where Mr. Phish says how great of a year we are going to have and blah blah blah.” Tess was the type to take notes in Navigation. I smiled weakly at our nickname for the vice principal, who seemed to have more control than the principal.
We got to the auditorium. Teenagers began flooding in. We had a lot more students this year, so everybody was pushed against each other. My breath quickened.
“I-I gotta go t-to the b-bathroom.” I stammered out the excuse to Tess and took off running. She tried calling out after me but I ignored her. My mind was consumed with getting out.
I stumbled into the gross-smelling bathroom and splashed water on my face. That’s when I noticed I wasn’t alone. Three frozen teenagers were staring at me, each with a joint in their mouth.
Well, that would explain the smell.
I was a deer in the headlights. Natasha, her boyfriend Jeremy, and some other girl I didn’t know stared back.
“What are you doing in here Treasure!?” Natasha hissed, which seemed to break the trance. I took off running, knowing I was going to pay later. “And if you tell anyone, you’re dead!” I heard someone call. The voice was so twisted, I couldn’t figure out if it was Natasha or Jeremy.
Great, so my sister does drugs. Another worry on my list.
I was feeling a little light headed walking into the auditorium. I found Tess sitting in the back, with her backpack in the seat next to her. The place was so crowded, but I was so sickened and worried, it was the last thing on my mind.
But, of course, as I sat down the claustrophobia crept in.
“Why do you smell like pot?” Tess said bluntly.
“Crap! I didn’t think of that! Do you have some perfume or something!?” I frantically searched my backpack.
“Didn't think of that? If you have a drug problem, I’d be more than happy to help.” Tess said in a tight, angry and slightly betrayed voice. I’m good at deciphering people’s feelings through their voices and body gestures. Tess had turned away from me.
“I went into the bathroom and didn’t even realize I had walked in on Natasha, Jeremy, and some other chick smoking point. Idiots didn’t even think about the smell.” I whispered.
“Oh.” She sighed in relief. “Sorry. Natasha? I wonder who the third person was.”
“Who cares?” I whispered even quieter, seeing Mr. Phish walk onto stage. He was a short, fat, bald guy that wore this little glasses and had this squinty eyes. He always wore weird colors that reminded us of a fish, and since his name was Mr. Phil, we changed it to Phish.
“Um, the principal will want to know all the names when we tell him.”
I froze. We couldn’t turn them in! Natasha would kill me and then dance on my grave. Jeremy would dig me up and then feed me to his dog! Or at least beat me up. Who else would have told? I’m the only one that saw them!
I was about to tell Tess exactly that when Mr. Phish told everyone to settle down.
“Hello and welcome students! Yet another journey begins today. This journey is important for your future.” He babbled on about school rules. The president of each class gave a small speech. Mr. Phish came back. I grabbed my back, preparing to leave.
“One more thing.” Mr. Phish said in a squeaky, I’m-only-pretending-to-be-your-friend voice. “There are a few changes this year, such as larger class rooms and some PE classes are two classes combined. Such as 9th or 10th, etc. Have a great year, and behave!” People began getting up to leave.
My eyes widened. Uh-oh. My head felt really light, and I felt really dizzy.
“Treasure? Are you okay? You look really pale.” Tess said, but her voice sounded far away. Black dots began appearing in front of my eyes.
“I don’t feel so good.” I began breathing heavily.
“We should get you to the nurse.” She replied in a worried voice.
“I don’t think I should stand.” I whispered.
“I’ll be right back.” Tess called from even farther away.
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