Status: Active!

Everything Is Just...Blank.

Remembering Nothing.

What if one day you woke up and had no idea who you were, what your name was, who your own family was, and you couldn’t even remember the people who you called your friends. You’d be lost right? To some it may be a dream come true, seen as a fresh start, a new life….to others it’d be seen as hell, you would loose everything you ever had and worked for….but then again you wouldn’t exactly remember if you ever had had anything to loose right?

“Your name is Kerstin.”

I starred blankly at the woman who was pushing the hair out of my face. She seemed familiar but I just couldn’t remember. The only thing I knew, I was cold and had a head ach, a horrible one. “Kerstin.” I repeated. The woman smiled down at me. “Do you remember anything sweetie?” Remember? Remember what? I’m sure my facial expression and sudden turning of my head explained that no, I didn’t remember a thing.

“Kerstin, do you know what day it is?” Was asked and I shook no. “Do you know what year?” “No.” I said after trying hard to remember. The people around me exchanged worried looks. “Kerstin do you know who these people are?” Asked a woman in scrubs. I looked towards the people sitting in chairs besides my bed. I starred at each face. I noticed the hope in their eyes, the anxious, the scared. I shook my head no after not being able to in fact register who these people were. Every one of their eyes widened and I read the new expression; Shock.

“We don’t look familiar? You don’t recognize us?” A guy asked me. I starred for a minute. “No.” I said bluntly, a woman let out a wail before starting to ball her eyes out. I looked back to the woman in scrubs. I had no idea what was going on. But for some reason it didn’t come to my mind to ask, I just sat there starring at the woman who was crying. And that was it.

Everything else was just…. blank.
Not there.
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p l e a s e <3