Status: Active!

Everything Is Just...Blank.

Last Night Was Not Okay.

I woke up with a splitting head ach. I clenched my eyes close. I'm not sure if it's from my minor incident with a tree or if I just have a hang over, whatever it was I was just wishing it would go away. I groaned and then felt something shift beside me. "Oh god." I said out loud. I slowly peeked to see who was laying beside me in bed. I sighed out of relief when I saw it was only the golden lab. I reached out and stroaked its soft fur as I sat up slowly. I looked around and slowly the events of last night all came back to me. Nick hitting Aaron, me throwing up, falling off the counter, and the memory. Nick and Selena. I felt anger and betrayal bubble up inside of me. Last night was not okay. Not okay at all.

I walked into the kitchen and heard Josh and Demi laughing. They each had big trash bags and were cleaning up the empty bottles and cans of last night's get together. I stood there only for a moment before Demi noticed me. "Hey Kers! How ya feeling?" I smiled slightly, "My head is killing me." I said and she slightly laughed. "Is there any Advil?" I asked. "Kers you aren't allowed to take it. Only your actual prescription for now." Josh reminded me and I groaned. I know I didn't pack it. It's at our house. I rubbed my head as I heard foot steps coming from behind me. I turned and smiled when I saw Joe. "Pet-" "Kerstin don't you even try to act like everything is okay!" He shouted. I flinched from his loud voice. "Joe please my head really hurts!" I said pleading. "Your head hurts!? Kerstin you put yourself in such a bad place last night!" He kept shouting. I just wanted him to stop. "Joe chill!" Josh shouted to my defense. "Joshua stay out of it!" Joe shouted louder and Josh receeded back like a sad puppy.

I groaned out loud as Joe continued to yell. The basement door opened and Nick walked out with Selena holding hands. My eyes locked on them and I felt anger again. "Joe why are you yelling?" Nick asked clueless as to what was going on. "She was with Aaron last night, do you not remember!?" Joe freaked out and Nick twisted to see me. "Kerstin that was really dumb." Nick said and I laughed. Everyone starred at me. Their eyes all gave away their emotion- Surprised. They weren't expecting that. "Do you know what else was dumb?" I asked Nick. I was to angry, I couldn't help myself. Before Nick could respond I bitterly said, "When you made out with my BEST FRIEND." Everyone seemed to be starring at me but I just didn't care. "Kerstin we've talked about this." He said quietly. "Shut up Nick." I said right away. "No. You shut up. We've dealt with this! I'm not going through it again!" He shouted. "Kerstin," Selena started and I rolled my eyes at her. "I don't care what anybody has to say. I will NEVER be okay with this." I said walking out the back door. I heard the door open behind me and I knew it was Joe who was following me. Did I know where I was going? No. Did I care? No.

I stopped once I reached a park. I sat on the nearby bench and waited for Joe. He sat beside me. "Tink, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to yell or get angry I was just really upset. Aaron really isn't good." He said. "What did he do?" I asked "That's not um, really something I know completely all about." He said awkwardly and I could tell he didn't want to talk about it. "Who can?" I asked looking at him, I knew the answer before it left his lips. "Nick." We said together. I sighed. "You know Kers, you really don't have to be angry with him." "Joe I saw the break up. He was so cold about the situation. and he kissed my best friend!" I said clearly upset. "Yea but that was almost a year ago. He was right, we've been over it." He tried to explain. "But Joe, I saw it for the first time just last night. It feels like it just happened last night for me! I think I have the right to be a little upset." I said speaking my mind and he laughed a little. "What?" I asked confused as to why he was laughing. "Nothing it's just, you were never really the kind of girl who just out right spoke her mind." He said and I sighed. "well there's a lot of thing i'm finding out about the old me that aren't going to be the same anymore." I explained and smiled. "You'll still be my Peter won't you?" I asked nervous. What if he didn't like the new me? "Of course! You'll always be my Tink!" He said hugging me tighty and I smiled. All doubts wipped from my mind.

"I should probably get back to Kara..." Joe started while standing. "Oh god I'm sorry Joe!" I said feeling bad. I forgot about Kara. "Don't be, she was still sleeping when we left, but let's start back anyway. The others are probably worried." I nodded and we started back. "So is Kara your girl friend?" I asked curious. "Yea, for about two years now." He said with a smile and I smiled. "That's great Joe!" I said. "I gotta warn you though Tink, She doesn't like you very much." "what why!?" I asked offended. "She's jealous I think." "Of me?" I asked. "Well yea, she's jealous of how close we are. That's why I haven't been around so much the past two years." He said and i cocked my head in confusion. "she doesn't like me around you much. But I swear Tink. Everything is changed now. When you fell and got hurt, it put everything back into prospective for me. Sure I love Kara, but I love you to ya know? You both deserve my attention. So I've been working to divide up the time." He said. "Peter, that plan sounds perfect to me." I said smiling. "great, ready to go in?" He asked and I groaned. "You go ahead, I'm going to sit here for a moment." I said sitting on the Jonas's front step. "Please don't go any where Tink. You will get lost." He said and I laughed. "Joe I'm fine. Go ahead." I said reasuringly. "Love ya Tink." He said. "Love ya Peter." I answered and he walked into the house. Me? I let out a breath.
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been a really long time. WHOOPS.