Status: Active!

Everything Is Just...Blank.

Jerry and the Set

“What is there to do today?” Josh asked while shoving a pancake into his mouth. I rolled my eyes at him. “What!?” He asked shocked. “Chew with your mouth close you cow!” I said and everyone around us laughed as Josh rolled his eyes at me. “We have to go to the set actually; Jerry wants to go over what we’ve done so far to catch everyone up.” Kevin explained and I let out a breath, “AKA he needs to explain and show everything to me.” I said. “You and Joe, he always forgets what we’re doing.” Demi said and I felt a little better knowing I wasn’t the only one who needed the refresher.

We all were going to arrive at the studio together, but in three different cars. Everyone decided it would be best for me to be separated from Selena and Nick, which I guess they were right but I personally would have had no problem being a bitch to them, but apparently that isn’t polite. I drove with Demi and Josh, while Kevin followed behind.

“Why was I ever friends with her?” I asked out loud to my brother and Demi. “Kers, come on calm down.” Josh said and I punched his arm. “Um, I don’t know you two became close when Selena met the boys.” Demi said as she checked her mirrors to switch lanes. “I bet she only wanted to be friends with me because of Nick. I mean we had been dating for like ever. Then she just broke it up. Who does that!?” I asked going off on yet another rant. This was the 7th of the day and it was only one o’clock. Demi chuckled and twisted her head to see me then looked back to the road. “You know Kers, you were really nice and sweet before, but I am loving the more outspoken you more and more.” I smiled happy that someone liked the new me, the real me. “She is funnier this way” Josh agreed and I rolled my eyes at him before quickly smiling back at him so he knew I really did take his comment as a compliment.

We all hopped out of the cars when we pulled into the gravel parking lot. The sunshine was beaming down on us and I lifted my head to the sky. I took a deep breath just as a breeze went through the air. I heard the rustling of trees and then everything became calm again. “Tink what are you doing? Pretending to be a statue or something?” I heard Joe ask I let out a small laugh as I opened my eyes and saw him standing in front of me with his Raybans on, covering his eyes from me. I squinted and grabbed the glasses off his face in a very quick motion as I said, “Let’s go Peter.” I walked past him as I heard him protest against me wearing his glasses. I knew he wouldn’t take them back though, everyone did.

“How was breakfast with Kara?” I asked as the group walked around a huge log cabin. It was right out of a summer camp movie. Okay wow, I’m so dumb, I thought to myself. “It was good, we just went to IHOP, did you talk with um you know..” Joe said and I smiled over at him, “Yea, we’re in an understanding and um he told me what happened with Aaron, I’m sorry I didn’t listen last night Joe. You were right, that was so stupid of me and very dangerous.” I apologized as we mounted the steps into a big trailer. “No problem Tink, you really didn’t know the truth, but I’m glad you do now. And I promise you we won’t invite him anymore, it isn’t worth it.” “Thanks Joe.” I said hugging him from the side. He threw his arm around me and we walked into the trailer together.

I looked around quickly, the smell of sunscreen and pine needles filled my nostrils. Everyone had taken a seat somewhere, either on the green couch that looked extra comfortable, one of the brown recliners, or one of the extra stools around the round wooden table. There was a big flat screen TV mounted on the wall and a large coffee table with scripts all sprawled out. I also took notice to the coloring book pages that were tacked up on the walls along with some Polaroid pictures of everyone. The coloring pictures were from a Cars coloring book it seemed and the Polaroid pictures were hilarious. Just everyone making faces or goofing around, seems like we really all had fun here.

“Ah Hello everyone!” Said a deep voice from behind me. I twisted around and saw a man that looked friendly with a little scruff. When I looked a little closer I could see the bags under his eyes. This guy had been worrying .

“Jerry!” Everyone shouted in the same friendly tone. I felt out of place and instinctively moved closer to Joe, he noticed and put arm around my shoulders and gave a reassuring squeeze. “Ah Miss. Hillman! How is that head of yours doing!?” He asked rather loudly, did he always talk that loud? “Oh it’s um better.” I said smiling slightly and feeling the bump. It was downsizing. “How’s the memory?” He asked more seriously, “Still not back yet Jerry.” Joe answered for me and the man looked, disappointed. Like I had let him down. I did not like that feeling. The scars on my wrist came burning back into my mind and I reached for my sleeves and pulled them down even further.

“Sorry.” I mumbled out and he looked right at me, “Oh Kerstin don’t be sorry at all! It isn’t your fault one bit. Nothing to be sorry for! If anything, I should be sorry for directing that scene!” He said and that made me smile again. “Alright everyone, today we are playing catch up and going over the rest of the schedule for the rest of filming.” Everyone cheered and seemed to sink even further into their seats knowing they wouldn’t be getting up. Jerry walked over to the cabinet under the TV and pulled out a large binder. It was filled with discs, I’m assuming each disc was a scene or something of that sort.

“Remember when you see this, it’s without editing or touch ups, so please don’t freak out over your “horrible” acting skills.” He said to us all and everyone laughed, everyone but me. I didn’t get the inside joke, or better yet, I didn’t remember the inside joke. “We all hate seeing this stuff, it’s before they can fix it all up and make us look pretty you know?” Joe said and I nodded. He sat down on the floor and motioned for me to sit with him since all other seats were taken.

Three hours later and I was in serious awe. Everyone was so amazing at what they did. I understood what Joe meant; it was weird seeing me on the screen. But I was so intrigued. That me that I was watching, she held all my memories- she knew everything. If only I could talk to her or something.

We were about halfway through filming apparently when I fell from the tree. We didn’t watch that video but I knew Jerry had it somewhere – he recorded everything. I really wanted to see it, my fall. The thing that took my memory away from me, so I decided to ask. “Hey Jerry” I said getting his attention over everyone chatting in the room. “Yea?” He asked putting the last disc we had watched for the day into its right case. “Can I see the scene with the tree? When I fell?” I asked, fully hopeful that he would agree.

“Oh no, no way. You don’t need to see that Kerstin.” He said and my face fell. “Yea Tink, what do you wanna see that for anyway?” He asked laughing a bit. “I just wanted to see it, I mean you all got to right?” I asked and they all said nothing because I was right. They all had front row seats for that scene. “Um, I just don’t think that’s a good idea Kerstin, I’m sorry.” Jerry said while standing up fully. I sighed in defeat. “Alright well, that’s all for the videos, why don’t we plan the upcoming schedule?” He asked switching subjects quickly. I grabbed my phone like everyone else and pressed the calendar app.

“Peter!” I whispered harshly. Everyone was leaving the trailer and I grabbed Joe by the shirt to keep him back. “What’s up?” He asked showing concern through his eyes and tone. “I want that DVD.” I said simply turning around towards the cabinets Jerry had been getting the discs from. “Kerstin, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” He said and I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed the silver handle. The coldness of the silver sent shivers like wild fire up my arm. I twisted the handle and wrenched the door open. “You’re not going to be able to find it Kers. There’s so many discs.” “Here it is!” I said snatching the first DVD I saw. Written in lazy cursive was “Scene 23: Tree- Kerstin falls.” “How did you find it that fast!?” He asked astonished. I closed the cabinet and slipped the disc into my purse. “It was the last scene we shot, so naturally I thought it would be the most recent DVD.” I explained. “Tink put it back!” He said as I zippered the purse. “Yea right, let’s go before they notice we’re gone.” I said grabbing his hand. I had to pull him a little before he finally gave in and left the trailer with me and the disc.
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kind of a filler, sorry!