Status: Active!

Everything Is Just...Blank.

I Have No Idea Who You All Are.

A man was shining a light into my eyes, telling me to follow it. “Okay Kerstin I’m just going to ask you a few questions, just answer the best you can okay?” He seemed nice. “Okay.” I said while biting my lip, a wave of pain had just washed through my head.

“Do you know your name?” I thought for a moment, “Kerstin.” “Okay, last name?” Last name? What is my last name?! Kerstin….Kerstin what? Kerstin who!? “Okay it’s fine. We’ll move on to the next question.” The man said realizing I couldn’t answer. “Do you know what the year is?” “2000 something…um wait, 2000?” I asked. I knew it was wrong though. If it was 2000 then I’d be younger right? I don’t feel so young…I mean I feel like I have to be at least sixteen. “It’s alright, and it’s 2009.” He said writing something down with a smile. 2009 so I’d be how old? “Do you know how old you are?” He asked and I flinched again as the pain pushed through my mind. “No.” I said. “Mhm.” He said scribbling on a paper. "You're almost seventeen." Sixteen? That's not so bad. “Do you remember anything at all?” He asked me. I tried hard to, to remember anything. But I couldn’t. I shook my head no.

“Okay well I’ll be back, I’m going to go run these charts over to the nurses in the prep room. Um don’t go anywhere okay?” He asked before leaving. “I have a question.” I stated and he gave me his full attention. “Why am I here?” He sat back down on the stool he had just gotten up from only a few moments ago. “Well Kerstin, I wasn’t there. But apparently you took a nasty spill on set.” “On set?” I asked completely confused. “Yes, on set. You’re an actress.” He said with a smile and I tried hard to not notice the pain going through my poor brain. “I’m an actress?” I asked confused just as there was a knock on the door. “Do you mind if you have visitors? They could help you figure some things out better then me.” The doctor offered and I nodded and then instantly regretted it. My head was still killing me.

“Hey girl how are you doing?” I just starred back at the girl with short black hair that was curled. She was pretty, had to be an actress to. “Hi” I said awkwardly. “You scared us all so much, Jerry was going to have like a mental break down I swear.” She said sitting beside me smacking her gum. Another girl walked in with a warm smile that I returned. “Hey Kers, how you feeling?” She asked setting some flowers down on the windowsill. “Um my head hurts pretty bad.” I said still clueless to who these people were.

“Well I can only imagine, you fell pretty far…and hard.” The girl said standing behind the short haired girl who was chomping away at her gum. Then three boys walked in. All of them of which were adorable. “Hey kid-o, how you doing?” The oldest looking one asked. “Fine, head kind of hurts though.” I said. Do you think any of them are going to realize I have no idea who they are? Are they friends? Enemys? Family?

“Well you fell pretty far Tink.” I starred at the straight haired boy, “Tink?” I asked confused. “I thought my name was Kerstin?” I asked and they all exchanged the same look, confusion mixed with shock... I'm tired of people looking at me that way. “Remember that’s my nickname for you…and I’m Peter…from when we did that play in grade school?” The boy asked with question filling his eyes. I’m sure he was unsatisfied with the emptiness in my own eyes he was getting in return.

“I’m sorry” I apologized to him, then to everyone. “To all of you, but I have no idea who you all are….I mean I just found out my name is Kerstin like three hours ago.” I said bluntly. They all awkwardly stood there. Did I say something? I rolled my lips in towards my mouth instantly wishing I hadn’t said anything and just kept pretending I knew everything…I mean I’m good at that stuff because apparently I’m an actress...right?
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p l e a s e <3